If You Enjoy DBD … (Bumped)

I’m pleased to put up a guest post by my friend and partner, Chris Muir, the author/artist behind Day by Day.
I am asking readers of DaybyDay to contribute $10 or more for the 2008 DaybyDay Fundraiser. This amount is based on a ‘guesstimate’ of how many serious readers DBD has. Perhaps this will result in a Fundraiser that is held every 2 years , instead of every year. Perhaps it will keep DBD going for just a month.
What I do know are that funds are needed to continue the strip, well, day by day.
This Fundraiser will end January 30, 2008.
I know this is very much a vote from readers on DBD. Contrary to rumor, I’m not rich, and I need the help of every reader. If you have donated in the past, ask someone you know who reads DBD to contribute. What will really determine things is meeting the minimum cost of running DBD for one year.
If you find DBD speaks to you on the issues you find important, I urge you to step up. this kind of grassroots participation is what defines New Media, and frankly, it will only be the small donations of the many that will matter.
Chris has brought his delightful and provocative point of view to Internet viewers for the last five years, free of charge, including e-books. If you have enjoyed his work, please consider giving something back. I appreciate your consideration.
UPDATE & BUMP: Chris has seen a great response to this fundraiser, but I’m going to bump it up to today as well. Several CapQ readers have been kind enough to hit my tipjar as well; it’s much appreciated.