June 26, 2007

Great Cheney Switch, v7.0

I'd like to have a shot of what Sally Quinn's drinking. In today's Washington Post, Quinn tells us that Republicans have decided that Dick Cheney has to go, and will start devising plans to force him out of an office to which he has been twice elected. Quinn believes that this has reached the Goldwater-to-Nixon scenario in the summer of 1974, only this time Cheney stands accused of hurting the GOP's chances in the next election rather than any lawbreaking.

At Heading Right, I discuss this latest version of the Great Cheney Switch, a parlor game for Republicans and pundits for the last three years. While previous contestants for Cheney's position have included Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell, Quinn has someone else in mind now, a man undoubtedly intelligent enough to run screaming from the job offer she makes.

UPDATE: Rick Moran responds at Heading Right, and I test a help-wanted ad for the Post. Also, I meant "a shot of what Sally Quinn is drinking"; thanks to Michael Ledeen for the correction.


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» Stupidest "news" (in an op-ed) of the summer so far: GOP party elders "could" visit Bush "today" to persuade him to dump Dick Cheney for Fred Thompson from BeldarBlog
According to Sally Quinn, in an op-ed in Tuesday's WaPo: The big question right now among Republicans is how to remove Vice President Cheney from office. Even before this week's blockbuster series in The Post, discontent in Republican ranks was rising.... [Read More]

Comments (16)

Posted by michael ledeen | June 26, 2007 8:43 AM

you mean a shot OF whatever she's drinking. as well you should, it's inside-the-beltway home brew, fermented in the basements of georgetown town houses. very heady, if you know what i mean...

Posted by swabjockey05 | June 26, 2007 9:21 AM

He was elected twice…does that matter to these people?

Can you imagine the Confirmation Hearings? I almost hope it happens...just to be able to witness that circus.

Posted by Tom | June 26, 2007 9:39 AM

Ugh. Quinn is nauseating. Even down to her little dig at Cheney's "ever-expanding" family.
A truly slimy worm, she is.

Posted by biomom | June 26, 2007 9:47 AM

I feel 100% confident that both Bush and Cheney will still be in office in late January, 2009. What frustrates these beltway types is the fact that they have no control over this no matter how much influence they think they have. They don't mention it, but the recent Gallup survey that had congress at 14% and the presidency at 25% had trust in the media at 21%.

Posted by Andrew X | June 26, 2007 10:01 AM

I am TOTALLY against this absurd reality that we are into the 2008 race up to our chests.... right now, and have been since 18 months in advance. It's absurd, obnoxious, and entirely a creation of the media-ocracy.

BUT, I do see one advantage vis a vis the administration. While I never for a moment worried about impeachment per se of either one (won't happen, end of story), I did worry about attempts and serious efforts to impeach, which though unsuccessful, could be quite debilitating and obnoxious for us all to suffer through.

However, the front loading of this race has ruled this out. Quinn is nuts, as are the dwindling number of serious Democrats still drooling over "Chimpeachment" or whatever. The fact is, they will get zero traction, because there is universal agreement that it would be a waste of time. In one very short year, the conventions will be over, the nominees set, and Bush and Cheney all but irrelevant.

This might not be the case if we had a "normal" electoral schedule, one just gearing up say, in the fall. But t'ain't so.

So Bush and Cheney are secure. The adults have better things to concern themselves with, such as the present and future, not poltical masturbatory self-gratification of Bush (Cheney) Derangement Syndrome.

Posted by t | June 26, 2007 11:50 AM

Captain Ed,

Republicans and conservatives should make a stand for the Vice President. For every office a conservative runs for, feature him prominently in all advertisements.

Cheney is a great saint whose winning and effective policies have brought great results everywhere. He is for the Defense of Marriage Act and is the proud grandparent of a gay coupling. Who knew lesbians could procreate by themselves? This is what happens when government gets out of the way.

And Iraq is a great success that shows how givernment getting IN the way can bring peace and prosperity everywhere.

Plus, featuring Cheney will give conservatives some moral standing when they demand that the Democratic VP in 2009 conduct all his activities in total secrecy, which I know you will all do. If the Democratic (oops! sorry, I mean democrat) Vice President keeps records of who he meets with or things like that, demand that he or she destroy such records.

A great liberal writer said it best, politics is best practiced in the dark. We can go further, of course, and say governments work best when practiced in the dark. I heart Cheney.

Posted by t | June 26, 2007 12:06 PM

Captain Ed,

Republicans and conservatives should make a stand for the Vice President. For every office a conservative runs for, feature him prominently in all advertisements.

Cheney is a great saint whose winning and effective policies have brought great results everywhere. He is for the Defense of Marriage Act and is the proud grandparent of a gay coupling. Who knew lesbians could procreate by themselves? This is what happens when government gets out of the way.

And Iraq is a great success that shows how givernment getting IN the way can bring peace and prosperity everywhere.

Plus, featuring Cheney will give conservatives some moral standing when they demand that the Democratic VP in 2009 conduct all his activities in total secrecy, which I know you will all do. If the Democratic (oops! sorry, I mean democrat) Vice President keeps records of who he meets with or things like that, demand that he or she destroy such records.

A great liberal writer said it best, politics is best practiced in the dark. We can go further, of course, and say governments work best when practiced in the dark. I heart Cheney.

Posted by tomjfrombfflo | June 26, 2007 12:09 PM

Captain Ed,

Republicans and conservatives should make a stand for the Vice President. For every office a conservative runs for, feature him prominently in all advertisements.

Cheney is a great saint whose winning and effective policies have brought great results everywhere. He is for the Defense of Marriage Act and is the proud grandparent of a gay coupling. Who knew lesbians could procreate by themselves? This is what happens when government gets out of the way.

And Iraq is a great success that shows how government getting IN the way can bring peace and prosperity everywhere.

Plus, featuring Cheney will give conservatives some moral standing when they demand that the Democratic VP in 2009 conduct all his activities in total secrecy, which I know you will all do.

If the Democratic (oops! sorry, I mean democrat) Vice President keeps records of who he meets with or things like that, demand that he or she destroy such records.

A great liberal writer said it best, politics is best practiced in the dark. We can go further, of course, and say governments work best when practiced in the dark. I heart Cheney.

Posted by tomjfrombfflo | June 26, 2007 12:18 PM

dear Captain Ed

please allow me to apologize for the multiple posts above. I have no idea why it happened.

The sarcasm was intentional. I wonder what you would think of a Democratic Vice President who conducted his office in total secrecy as this one does.

Posted by markg8 | June 26, 2007 12:54 PM

Why wouldn't Ol' Fred wanna be Veep for a year and a half? It's the closest he's ever gonna get to the White House. And who knows, without Cheney to serve as the fire to Bush's frying pan impeachment just might forward and Ol' Fred might become president for a month or two.

Posted by Andrew X | June 26, 2007 1:17 PM

markg8 -

See post from 10:01am.

But have fun strokin' away in dreamland....

Posted by dave rywall | June 26, 2007 3:30 PM

It's kind of amusing that Repubs choose to see this Cheney's part of the executive/not part of the executive bullsh** as Democratic meddling and nitpicking.

Why aren't you all pissed off? As we speak, people are compiling video clip after video clip of Cheney claiming to be part of the executive branch.

I don't understand why you're not looking at this objectively and aren't furious about the bigger picture: you have a vice president who wishes to operate in secrecy without any checks on record keeping.

Posted by Ray | June 26, 2007 4:22 PM

That Cheney has survived many years of exposure to the democratic "slime machine" speaks volumes. This man has served his country honorably in a variety of roles.

We will always owe him a debt of gratitude.

Posted by Del Dolemonte | June 26, 2007 5:15 PM

"As we speak, people are compiling video clip after video clip of Cheney claiming to be part of the executive branch."

Go get 'em, sheetrock!

Posted by Del Dolemonte | June 26, 2007 10:18 PM

By the way, Sally Quinn actually was hired to host the CBS version of the "Today Show" many years ago. Do the research.

Posted by dave rywall | June 27, 2007 3:39 PM

Well, well, here's the Dick himself claiming he's part of the executive.


But hey, Dell, and anyone else not upset by your arrogant VP - - keep drinking your delicious kool-aid.
What flavour is it again?
Head in the Sand Punch?
Or is it Sweet Party Blinders?