House To Investigate Itself (Update: Replay Confirms Cheating)
Faced with a clear example of vote fraud, the House has agreed to investigate .. itself. The day after Democratic leadership in the House attempted to nullify a completed floor vote, the Majority Leader had to issue an apology and agree to an extraordinary bipartisan panel to probe the actions of House leadership:
The House last night unanimously agreed to create a special select committee, with subpoena powers, to investigate Republican allegations that Democratic leaders had stolen a victory from the House GOP on a parliamentary vote late Thursday night.The move capped a remarkable day that started with Republicans marching out of the House in protest near midnight Thursday, was punctuated by partisan bickering, and ended with Democratic hopes for a final legislative rush fading. Even a temporary blackout of the House chamber's vote tally board led to suspicions and accusations of skullduggery.
While Democratic leaders hoped to leave for their August recess on a wave of legislative successes, the House instead slowed to an acrimonious crawl that threatened to stretch the legislative session into next week.
The agreement to form a special committee was extraordinary. Such powerful investigative committees are usually reserved for issues such as the Watergate scandal and the funneling of profits from Iranian arms sales to the Nicaraguan contras in the 1980s.
"I don't know when something like this has happened before," said House deputy historian Fred W. Beuttler. He called the decision "incredible."
It started when Democrats gaveled a vote to a close on a bill that would have prevented federal aid going to illegal immigrants. The Democrats insisted that the vote had been a tie, 214-214, but C-SPAN showed the vote as 215-213 for the Republicans. The Democrats tried to keep the vote from the record, and then belatedly reported it as a 216-212 loss for the GOP.
Republicans erupted in outrage. Democrats had earlier in this session changed the previous rules allowing votes to remain open at the discretion of the president of the session, a practice they called unfair while in the minority. Instead, Republicans charged, they simply disregarded the result of a vote and replaced it with their own desires -- a highly dangerous precedent that creates dictatorial rule by the majority leadership. If allowed to stand, the incident would eliminate any requirement to actually vote at all in the House.
The panel will consist of three Republicans and three Democrats. They have a deadline for an interim report of September 30th of this year, with the final report due a year later -- just before the next elections. In the meantime, the GOP wants the vote to return to its gavelled result. If they do not get that, the Republicans will likely embark on a series of parliamentary manuevers that will keep House leadership from accomplishing any of their top agenda items. After all, the Republicans have nothing to lose as long as Nancy Pelosi disregards the results of legitimate votes and rules by decree instead.
UPDATE: Congressional Quarterly has already accomplished most of the duties of the panel:
The floor confusion arose when, with the tally tied at 214-214, two politically vulnerable Democrats, Nick Lampson of Texas and Harry E. Mitchell of Arizona, went to the well of the chamber to switch their votes to “no.” The buddy system would prevent Democrats who voted “no” from being targeted as the deciding vote in future campaign ads. Moments later, three Cuban-American Republicans from south Florida, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Lincoln Diaz-Balart and Mario Diaz-Balart, moved to change their votes to “aye.”The five vote switches were called out by the House reading clerk. The two Democratic changes put the tally at 212-216. Ros-Lehtinen’s switch made it 213-215. Lincoln Diaz-Balart evened it at 214-214, but a tie vote fails. As the reading clerk called out Mario Diaz-Balart’s new vote, the Speaker Pro Tempore, Rep. Michael R. McNulty, D-N.Y., banged the gavel, apparently unaware that the second Diaz-Balart’s vote had yet to be counted.
McNulty had his eyes on the electronic scoreboard, which still read 214-214. But almost as soon as the gavel came down, the scoreboard registered Mario Diaz-Balart’s vote, pushing the tally to 215-213. The scoreboard showed those numbers and the word “FINAL.”
Within a minute or so, a flurry of post-gavel vote switches by Reps. Zack Space of Ohio, Kirsten Gillibrand of New York and Jerry McNerney of California — resulted in an official outcome of 212-216. Boehner was observed switching his vote — a common way to preserve the right to seek reconsideration, and an aide confirmed that the tally board at that point should have read 211-217.
As the Influence Peddler notes, Congressional Quarterly has no partisan axe to grind, and this analysis appears devastating to the Democrats' defense. Clearly, the measure passed, and the Democrats stole the vote, perhaps inadvertently at first but certainly deliberately later. So what good will this panel do, and why will it take a year to do it?
Addendum: I'd also note that this shows what happens when both sides try to play games with vote casting. If both Democrats and Republicans hadn't tried to be too cute by half, this never would have happened. The vote-switching, ass-covering, and sandbagging should be roundly condemned by all.
Comments (61)
Posted by Jimmie | August 4, 2007 9:44 AM
A year? Why on Earth do they need a year? Everyone involved in that vote could be interviewed extensively in the space of two weeks. Analysis of C-SPAN's video would take a week. Leave another two weeks for deliberations and the writing of the report.
They should have this investigation done and fully reported before Halloween. Taking a year is simply pathetic.
Posted by swabjockey05 | August 4, 2007 10:08 AM
Now that there is no "official" record...there's plenty of time for the Dhimmis to change their votes to keep the 216-212 spread...and keep their corrupt, tyrant-wannabe leadership out of trouble.
Posted by Lightwave | August 4, 2007 10:12 AM
And of course the panel will find "nothing wrong" and we'll be urged to "wait for the final report".
How ironic.
The Dems are trying to run out the clock while accusing the Bush administration of the same.
At this point, comity is dead. The GOP should bring the House and Senate to a screeching halt, then make the Dems answer to the voters for why their complete and utter disregard of democracy keeps putting Americans in direct jeopardy.
The clock is ticking on the end of the Democrats.
Posted by FedUp | August 4, 2007 10:18 AM
Ah geez!! Does fox and henhouse ring a familiar bell???
3 dems and 3 repubs... I think we need a tie-breaker. Wonder how they are going to select 6 people who can look at the problem objectively?
Football has instant replay... why would it take a freekin year for a final report? Doesn't this point out what is wrong with our government??? MORONS!!!
Posted by marinetbryant | August 4, 2007 10:24 AM
So what happens to the real bill or the faux bill. Are they in limbo or will the Dem bill go into effect?
Posted by Patrick | August 4, 2007 10:35 AM
One sincerely hopes this was a matter of stupidity rather than anything sinister.
Posted by The_Livewire | August 4, 2007 10:40 AM
I firmly believe 'Do not blame on malice what can be explained by stupidity.' But this is stretching it beyond belief.
How close are we to the pre-civil war duels in the senate?
Posted by AnonymousDrivel | August 4, 2007 10:41 AM
RE: Jimmie (August 4, 2007 9:44 AM)
Taking a year is simply pathetic.
Seems like this is an event significant enough for the Republicans to either not attend at all (to refuse a quorum) or to block any and everything that the House does. Make the House stay in session until this "investigation" is complete. Let's see how fast things progress when it's their vacation time at stake.
Consider also on what legislation this ridiculous rule-breaking occurred? Was it not an agricultural bill that was being fast-tracked so that the opposition could not get its concerns addressed through normal process? Wasn't the opposition addendum also a modification that would deny taxpayer monies for food stamps and housing subsidies for illegal aliens?
If the GOP was smart, it would play this up for all it's worth for both the egregious behavior of the Democrat leadership in process and for the actual content of the bill where the concerns of illegals trump American citizens in the minds of the Democrats.
Can the Democrat-led Congress produce negative numbers on approval polling? We may soon find out. That current 3% positive may look relatively good in a couple of weeks. Thanks, Nancy!
Posted by kingronjo | August 4, 2007 10:57 AM
3 Republicans and 3 Democrats? We definitely need a tiebreaker, some independent minded person.
If he's too busy running for President I hear Jim Traficant is available.
Posted by FedUp | August 4, 2007 11:28 AM
kingronjo... Good one!!! Joe Lieberman gets my vote... right after the Pope!
Posted by sherlock | August 4, 2007 11:38 AM
I'd like to see President Bush direct Alberto Gonzales to appoint a Special Prosecutor.
Posted by MarkJ | August 4, 2007 11:45 AM
A year? Why on Earth do they need a year? Everyone involved in that vote could be interviewed extensively in the space of two weeks. Analysis of C-SPAN's video would take a week. Leave another two weeks for deliberations and the writing of the report.
Hi Jimmy,
Why a year? Because Washington is "Bizarro World" and time moves differently than in the rest of the country. Sometimes it moves forward, often it moves backward, and occasionally it even slips sideways. Only in Washington would taking a year to issue a report be considered "blinding speed."
Furthermore, please remember that only in Washington can a politician who believes in pre-industrial approaches toward solving modern problems, taxing their way to prosperity, censoring the press, aborting innocent babies, banning anything that provides even a modicum of pleasure in this temporal plane of existence, and advocates retreating in the face of a fanatical, Islamist, head-chopping enemy be labeled, in all seriousness, a "progressive."
Bizarro World, indeed.
Posted by Continuum | August 4, 2007 12:04 PM
" . . . At this point, comity is dead. The GOP should bring the House and Senate to a screeching halt, then make the Dems answer to the voters . . . '
Hopefully, the GOP will follow your advice and dig themselves an even deeper grave.
Maybe you can get
. . . . . Cunningham or
. . . . . Abrahmoff or
. . . . . Foley or
. . . . . Hastert or
. . . . . Haggard or
. . . . . Gonzales or
. . . . . Stevens or
. . . . . Vitter or
. . . . . any other neocon shill to parrot your words on TV regarding truth and family values.
12 years of neocon Republican . . . . . corruption, . . . . . lies, . . . . . misdeeds . . . . . have had their effect.
The majority of Americans no longer believe a word coming from a Republican's mouth.
November 2008 is coming fast.
Posted by Gwedd | August 4, 2007 12:07 PM
"How close are we to the pre-civil war duels in the senate?
Posted by: The_Livewire"
I believe we are very close to that point. The sheer amount of bloviating vitriol that courses through those one-hallowed halls these days is truly disheartening.
I find it wickedly delicious that the Democrats have once more taken upon themselves the mantle of the Planter Aristocracy, the elites who know best how everyone should live their lives. We all know how that little exoeriment ended up. Hopefully, history will again repeat itself. Couldn't happen to a better bunch of folks.
Posted by sherlock | August 4, 2007 12:25 PM
Clearly, we need to ask...
what did Nancy know, and when did she know it?
Posted by Brick | August 4, 2007 12:36 PM
"Clearly, we need to ask...
what did Nancy know, and when did she know it?"
Posted by Christoph | August 4, 2007 12:36 PM
Posted by Continuum | August 4, 2007 12:40 PM
Sorry guys, I need to correct myself.
Instead of
" any other neocon shill to parrot your words on TV regarding truth and family values. "
I meant to say,
" any other neocon Republican shill who is not yet prison or
.....finding Jesus in prison or rehab or
.....retiring to spend more time with his family . . . "
Posted by Continuum | August 4, 2007 12:47 PM
We can only hope that Pelosi has as good a memory as Gonzales.
Posted by Christoph | August 4, 2007 12:50 PM
Are you trying to make yourself look like an idiot, Continuum, or is it so natural you don't have to think about it?
Posted by rpinkley | August 4, 2007 12:52 PM
Duels yea! I vote for duels! Entice the scum to off each other. Nancy P. the most ethical house ever with 3% approval, bring it on Continuum. This cannot stand, if the dims get by with this because the American people are too asleep and republicans too chicken then the votes in the house will become as corrupt as the national elections with more dims voting than even live in the precincts or in this case in the hollow halls of 3% approval congress.
Posted by Bennett | August 4, 2007 12:55 PM
Maybe they can get that NBA ref, Tim Donaghy, to chair the panel.
Posted by Continuum | August 4, 2007 1:18 PM
Hey guys, did I spell these names correctly ?
. . . . . Ted Kaudt
. . . . . Thomas Dale Tester
. . . . . Ted Stevens
. . . . . Michael J Elston
. . . . . Ben Stevens
. . . . . Bill Allen
. . . . . Trevor McCabe
. . . . . Philip R Kensigner Jr
. . . . . John Sweeny
. . . . . Jack Abramaoff
. . . . . Michael Young
. . . . . Don Young
. . . . . Thomas Ravenel
. . . . . etc
Sort of explains why the majority of Americans no longer believe the neocon Republican lies.
Posted by Continuum | August 4, 2007 1:22 PM
" . . . bring it on . . . "
Maybe you should tell that to 3,600 dead Americans.
Posted by The Yell | August 4, 2007 1:29 PM
"The vote-switching, ass-covering, and sandbagging should be roundly condemned by all."
Not by me.
The House has adopted a rule to determine the precise instant its shenanigans and caracoles become binding on the rest of the country. It had that moment of finality, and then, as you state, it voided its own authority in order to reverse the result.
It doesn't matter if the House settles votes by gavel, by date of postmark, by the ring of an eggtimer--once it's marked "final" by their rules, it is supposed to be "final". Several thousand city councils and county boards get that one right five days a week, why can't the House of Representatives?
And it is not the fault of 434 members, that their behavior before the voting was ended, rendered the gavel-pounding of the 1 member at the podium more than an empty gesture. Shall we adopt a new rule--no banging the gavel until everybody is seated with their head on their desk? "Everybody done voting?--Murtha is still walking around, we'll wait for him to take his seat..."
Posted by Gringo | August 4, 2007 1:47 PM
[Off topic; deleted.]
Posted by richard mcenroe | August 4, 2007 1:49 PM
Man, if the Democrats can't even protect us from the GOP, how are they going to protect us from the Muslims...
Posted by FredRum | August 4, 2007 2:15 PM
Think you could possibly spam more jackass comments into the thread, Continuum? Or is 6 out of 29 your limit?
Posted by FedUp | August 4, 2007 2:34 PM
Don't quit your day job... Kool-Aid tester...
There are bad apples in all the congressional barrels. So, it doesn't do much good to see how many you can name of one party. I personally think 95% (and I might be low on this) are liars, cheats and down-right crooks. So, what's your plan to cleanup the mess or is your mantra "the republicans di it" sufficient. Where are the much vaunted Dem leaders who were going to make this all better???
Posted by Lightwave | August 4, 2007 2:44 PM
And after almost 48 hours, this story has yet to be covered by any major news outlet, except for a story on FOX calling it a "screwball vote".
It wasn't a screwball vote. It was a deliberate act of suppression on the part of the Dems. It was boldfaced cheating, and every Democrat in the House was a party to it.
Unless the original vote stands, the Democrats will do this again and expunge the record. They will manipulate every vote they feel they can get away with from now on.
The Democrats are a far, far greater threat to democracy than anything the terrorists can do. But even worse is the media blackout on this vote stealing fraud.
When I say that there is a liberal media conspiracy in this country, you have to look no further than the hundreds of news outlets spiking this major story.
Posted by NavyspyII | August 4, 2007 2:56 PM
Vacuous Continuum, take it easy son! You're thrashing far too hard trying to derail this topic. You're going to injure yourself.
This "screwball vote" is nothing less than an attempt to usurp the power of the United States.
It is that serious.
and thanks only to the internet, and ancient amplitude modulated radio that we know of it at all.
Posted by rpinkley | August 4, 2007 3:10 PM
Dims have been stealing votes for years where no-one can see, but to allow it to continue in plain view in the legislative branch of U.S. government cannot stand else it too will become acceptable as it evidently is to the liberal mainstream media and sleeping Paris Hilton crowd. Contin u numb, the republicans cull their ranks of the vermin the dims reward them, Clinton, Leahy, Kennedy1, Kennedy lite, Jefferson, Murtha, Feinstein, Barney Frank, Harry Reid aka Baghdad Bob, and on and on and.....
Posted by patrick neid | August 4, 2007 3:12 PM
actually this is the best thing that could happen. while everyone will focus on the vote tampering it will present a continual opportunity to point out that the dems are trying to give illegals all the benefits they were denied in the failed senate bill.
that is the real outrage--not the snafu on the vote tally.
Posted by FedUp | August 4, 2007 3:43 PM
Patrick N. Good catch!
Posted by davod | August 4, 2007 4:00 PM
Captain Ed: I am surprised that you do not understand the importance of what took place. The vote switching is part of the normal cut and thrust of parlimentary maneuvering. Changing the outcome after the gavel comes down is not.
The Yell at August 4, 2007 1:29 PM said it right. This is a simple matter which should not be allowed to be buried by a committee.
Rpinkley is also correct. The Dems have moved their normal election voting methods into the Congress.
The fact that the man with the gavel miscalculated is not the issue. The issue is that after this happened Steny Hoyer said the neutral Parliamentarian will play no part in adjudicating the issue.
So is is ok to break the rules so long as you sack the ref after you break the rules. Anyone for basketball.
Posted by Ray | August 4, 2007 4:17 PM
I believe that this will hurt the Democrats in the next election. They ran on a platform of honesty and accountability but are displaying a penchant for trickery and deceit. This, in addition to the their continual attempts to give benefits to illegal immigrants over the objections of a majority of America and the paralysis that is currently plaguing Congress, will lead to many Democrats losing their seats and a return to a Republican majority, at least in the House.
Posted by Scrapiron | August 4, 2007 4:22 PM
"The fact that the man with the gavel miscalculated is not the issue. The issue is that after this happened Steny Hoyer said the neutral Parliamentarian will play no part in adjudicating the issue".
Please get up to date. The man with the gavel was signaled to slam it down by the dhimmi leadership, aka Peeeeloshi. The democrats are like an overactive child, they never learn until they're put away (for a child it's in a room, for a democrat it will require prison). I guess we could drug them with ritilin (sp) like Doctors ???and teachers???do the children. Turn them into zombies.-- "The president had five polyps removed from his colon. Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Carl Levin and Dick Durbin are all doing fine."--
Continuum proves that BDS is in it's final hours, total insanity follows.
Posted by SoldiersMom | August 4, 2007 4:53 PM
I believe that this will hurt the Democrats in the next election. They ran on a platform of honesty and accountability but are displaying a penchant for trickery and deceit. This, in addition to the their continual attempts to give benefits to illegal immigrants over the objections of a majority of America and the paralysis that is currently plaguing Congress, will lead to many Democrats losing their seats and a return to a Republican majority, at least in the House.
Posted by: Ray at August 4, 2007 4:17 PM
Ray, don't get your hopes up. This will only happen IF this makes front page news as it would have if the situation were reversed. Imagine if the Republicans had pulled this stunt. Funny, I looked through my local paper yesterday and today. Nary a word about this.
Democrats are only doing in public what we've known they've done behind the scenes for a long time. Stealing votes.
hhhmmm, I'd like to hear from Starfleet Dude or Batam on this. They're strangely quiet.
The only way the average Joe will hear about this is if the Republicans shutdown Congress and talk about why. If they don't, they're an ally in the destruction of democracy as we know it.
Posted by Del Dolemonte | August 4, 2007 5:03 PM
rpinkley said
"Dims have been stealing votes for years where no-one can see, but to allow it to continue in plain view in the legislative branch of U.S. government cannot stand else it too will become acceptable as it evidently is to the liberal mainstream media and sleeping Paris Hilton crowd."
Ever hear the story about how FDR tried to keep members of the military from voting in 1944? It's an interesting read. The late David Brinkley talks about it in his book "Washington Goes to War".
Posted by docjim505 | August 4, 2007 5:50 PM
SoldiersMom has it right. If the MSM doesn't report it, it never happened. My guess is that, even if they DO report it (there's only so much air time and column space left after reporting on vital issues like Paris Hilton's jail time and Lindsey Lohan's rehab), it'll be portrayed as the usual Congressional hijinks. "Everybody does it". That shrill halfwit Continuum has given us a free demonstration of the spin: SanFran Nan could shoot somebody on the floor of the House and it'd be "Tom DeLay, Duke Cunningham, Jack Abramoff, etc, etc, etc".
Posted by retire05 | August 4, 2007 6:09 PM
Can we question the intellect level of the Democrats who campaigned on a "new direction" indicating to the nation that they were going to end business as usual in D.C. but time after time have been slammed for nominating people like Alcee Hastings to the Judicial Committee and John (never met a bribe or an earmark he didn't like) Murtha as second in command?
Now, it would seem to me that if you campaigned, and won, on a promise of integrity, that you would at least try to show some. But alas, that is not the case.
The Dems have messed up big time, this time. And if the Republicans have any cajones left among them, they will use this to full advantage show that Dems not only are not any better, they are in fact, worse. Someone please remind the Republicans of the "squeaky wheel" philosophy.
And to Continuum I would say that the only reason there are fewer Democrats in jail only shows they are sneakier that Republicans. William Jefferson is a prime example and if the MSM would dog Democrats like they dog Republicans, our former President would be making little rocks (pun intented) out of big rocks right now.
Posted by tina | August 4, 2007 6:50 PM
Apparently they did it again; they have falsified the congressional record from yesterday. Inserted statements where none existed and deleted statements where they did. The republicans have it on video. The democrats have falsified the congressional journal. This is pretty shocking.
Posted by jaeger51 | August 4, 2007 7:15 PM
I've about had it with people saying look at the neocon Repubs, Bush lied, etc.etc....yep, the Repubs are far from perfect, sometimes even far from conservative. However the Dems are lying, cheating, corrupt, anti-American shills for any group or cause that will get them another dollar or another vote and advance their personal power no matter what it means to the country. And their default position is always against the US and for the enemy, even if the enemy appears to be against whatever it is they claim they stand for. I still wonder why the party that claims to be against religion in govt., for women's reproductive rights, equality in the workplace, etc., etc., is always in support of Islam against the West? If it wasn't for the collusion from the media, they'd all be about as electable as the American Nazi Party. The real question in 08 would be whether the Repubs or Libertarians would win. Yes, the Repubs should make a big deal of this, and refuse to cooperate in the House or Senate at all. However, we all know what would happen. A spate of stories in the press about how the obstructionist Repubs are making it impossible for the glorious caring Dems to get the important work of making Mr. Average American's life better done. No reports on WHY the Repubs are doing it.
Posted by Bambi | August 4, 2007 7:29 PM
You know the difference between the Repubs and the dems - the Republicans will criticize their leaders - I don't remember one of the dems (whoops except Liberman & the former mayor of New York & Moynahan) criticizing clinton. In fact all the others insisted that it was a personal thing, not worthy of any criticism.
Then there was madeline halfbrite telling the Chinese that we should not be the only superpower in the world - and then selling them technology that gave them a 10 year advantage. Great!
If you don't think President Bush is criticized just look at the immigration amnesty bill. Also all the Senators who supported it on the Republican side, were roundly disparaged.
Posted by Teresa | August 4, 2007 9:07 PM
This event has been covered by the MSM including a front page story on the Washington Post website and Mike Barnicle talking about it briefly on Hardball. Problem is that it is too confusing for anyone not versed in Robert's Rules to understand. I sincerely doubt that it will play any part in the upcoming election.
Posted by Al in St. Lou | August 4, 2007 10:37 PM
I have a BIG problem with "post-gavel" votes. That sounds too much like allow a few members of a cemetery to vote after one side knows they've lost the election. I don't blame the Rep reps from walking out after that!
Posted by Brett Blatchley | August 4, 2007 10:57 PM
Civil War II, coming here soon, and it's going to be bloody -- count on it.
Posted by Carol Herman | August 4, 2007 11:25 PM
The Internet has changed the world of news.
In the past, the only people who would have known about this bit of voting shinanigans, were people who tuned into C-Span.
I had never actually heard of it, before. But it seems the "technique" was used by Tom DeLay. He didn't discuss this in his autobiography. But I can see, now, how it works.
As the votes are flying in, you're trying to "catch" the other side "out." They're watching the tallies. And, it's only this last minute sucker punching that switches things and then the losing side has no time left to twist arms. At the vote's conclusion there's the winner. "Game's" over. But Americans were never looking at this to happen! PERIOD.
And, for some of the House players, whose names never end up high enough to be seen; they are there, now. In vulnerable districts. In 2008. When there may be a Bonkey free fall IF Hillary tops their ticket.
As for Pelosi, because Drudge kept repeating the sound byte on his radio show; Nancy and her rag, "and it will take a woman to clean up the house," will be one of those things that register, ahead, like "Read my lips. No new taxes."
Politicians aren't used to be held by their words. But go ask Bush #41 when he thought "political speech was meaningless." And, he got booted out of office.
The best thing about the Net is that I don't have to find a "special section" of the paper, to "read all about it." I can find these things, easily, at the various sites I go to every day.
Posted by Carol Herman | August 4, 2007 11:33 PM
Egg timers not withstanding; right now, IF the House wants to say the "gavel pounding gives them the vote," it's OKAY BY ME!
Because Bush has a pen in the Oval Office, that when he uses it will VETO the darn things these dopes in Congress are trying to pass.
After the clowns are finished. And, they send their bills to the president for his signature, I hope that Bush just vetoes them one after another.
Beldar predicted a minimum of 16 vetoes, before he leaves office in January 2009. Wouldn't that be wonderful to see the president reaching for his pen often enough to make it come true.
Pelosi will then be carrying a snot rag.
Posted by Abu Al-Poopypants | August 5, 2007 12:35 AM
If three dots is an Ellipsis and five dots is a Continuum, what's four dots?
Posted by Rickbert | August 5, 2007 12:41 AM
"In the past, the only people who would have known about this bit of voting shinanigans, were people who tuned into C-Span."
Imagine the exact same sequence of events, but then imagine there were no C-Span cameras turned on. Shudder.
Posted by Bombast | August 5, 2007 1:57 AM
Carol, if the majority party can alter vote counts after the fact, they can *certainly* change them enough to get a veto-override majority.
Personally, I welcome our new Democrat overlords.
Posted by swabjockey05 | August 5, 2007 4:06 AM
Pat Neid, it's not only the Dhimmis giving your money to illegals...check out how many of your Repubs voted to do the same...
Posted by quickjustice | August 5, 2007 7:24 AM
Two troubling facts:
First, Democrats falsifying votes on the floor of the U.S. Congress, in the eye of the public, and tampering with the record of that fraudulent vote. This is a clear subversion of democracy. It's far worse than the other scandals, because it undermines the credibility of the Congress in its most important duty: casting the votes that make our laws. It makes American laws suspect to the American people. That's a basis for the collapse of our government. Unchecked, it's a basis for civil war.
Second, Democrats in Congress undermining the U.S. military in the field. Democrat civilian politicians clearly don't grasp how dangerous it is to the principle of civilian control of the military to continue to place soldiers in harm's way, while undermining them at home.
I don't like the direction the Democrats are dragging us. Are they crazy?
Posted by sherlock | August 5, 2007 7:48 AM
"I don't like the direction the Democrats are dragging us. Are they crazy?"
No, they are enjoying the freedom from scrutiny that comes from having the media in their pocket. Inevitably freedom from scrutiny leads to freedom from consequences, which leads to abuse, and ultimately treachery. They are in the early stages of the treachery phase... and our vaunted free press, which has for years puffed about how it needs special privilege to protect us, is studiously looking the other way, selling out every principle they claim to stand for.
Posted by Keemo | August 5, 2007 8:30 AM
Very well stated....
Posted by George | August 5, 2007 8:52 AM
Free Frank Warner asks why they are taking one year to investigate this vote. [Democrats are] willing to surrender in Iraq faster than they’re willing to explain one rigged vote.
He adds, "By the way, why do Democratic leaders feel the need to lie and cheat to give U.S. taxpayers’ dollars to foreigners who are here illegally? Whom do they serve?"
Posted by NoDonkey | August 5, 2007 9:43 AM
So where are all of the "there's no difference between the Democrats and the Republicans on immigration" clowns now?
Good job sitting out the last election in order to "send a message".
Well, the worthless, corrupt, incompetent, vile Democrats you allowed into office, just rigged a vote in order to shovel even more money at illegal immigrants.
Happy now? You really showed the Republicans.
So what's the plan for the next election, sit on the sidelines again, in order to let the Democrats steal additional votes?
Remember, brave Americans died in order for you to sit home on election day, so that you can "send a message" and allow leftwing idiots to vote unadulterated scum like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi into public office.
Posted by Spec Bowers | August 5, 2007 5:11 PM
It might be interesting if henceforth every roll call had not just the ayes and the nays but a list of those who switched their votes at the last minute.
Posted by The Yell | August 6, 2007 2:33 AM
"Well, the worthless, corrupt, incompetent, vile Democrats you allowed into office, just rigged a vote in order to shovel even more money at illegal immigrants. "
Whereas, if the Kennedy Republicans still ran things, they'd all be legal permanent residents and money would be shoveled unto them with full regard for parliamentary procedure.
The answer isn't more Democrats, but it also isn't the same Republicans.
Posted by Blaise MacLean | August 6, 2007 1:43 PM
And on a video replay of the night’s action, Hoyer can be heard saying, “We control this House, not the parliamentarians!”
Doesn't that say it all?