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October 10, 2003
Let Immigrants Run?

Despite the results of the recall, letting foreign-born citizens run for President is a bad idea. As the descendent of immigrants -- I am third-generation on my mother's side -- I do not see the need or the benefit of a foreign-born citizen filling the role of head of state. The Washington Post editorializes:

The nation has profited from the service of naturalized citizens in sensitive posts such as secretary of state and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and American public life is rife with people whose commitment to this country is one of choice, rather than birth. In every other sphere, American law welcomes such citizens and acknowledges parity between them and the native-born.

Yes, I agree, although Kissinger's loyalties were often questioned during and after his tenure. Look at the vitriol thrown at American-born Jews in the Bush administration, such as Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Perle. Their loyalties have been repeatedly questioned during the past two years. Can you imagine the amplification of protest that would result had they been naturalized citizens from, say, Israel?

Maybe neither party feels so flush with first-rate, nationally electable politicians that it is eager to categorically exclude potential leaders who happen to have been born somewhere else.

A lack of candidates is no reason to lower expectations! Maybe both parties feel this, although I rather doubt it. What's really wrong is the process of developing national leaders has broken down into Jerry Springer-type media crapslinging events. Honorable people from both parties (and their families) get humiliated with unsubstantiated and irrelevant charges. It's no longer about voting records or policy positions; it's about boxers or briefs, or about what happened on a date 30 years ago, or whether you sleep around. And we are ALL guilty. It's no wonder fewer and fewer people want to go into public service. Talk about reducing the talent pool!

The peculiar anachronism that the presidency alone is different should not persist.

The Presidency is different; the President represents America abroad and domestically. It is a singular position for which the singular requirement of natural-born citizenship makes sense. Governors Schwarzenegger and Granholm can contribute greatly to American political life in many other ways.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at October 10, 2003 12:39 PM

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» Sex Slave ring busted from Stix Blog
H/T to Captain's Quarters Here is a good exampleof why we need to secure our borders. A sex slave ring was busted in Minnesota. The women mainly came from Mexico and Central America. They werre exploiyted by pimps because of [Read More]

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