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November 24, 2003
The Cheese Stands Alone

For all of you cheese lovers out there, I'd like to introduce a new addition to the CQ blogroll: The Cheese Stands Alone. It's well-written, funny, incisive (I guess that means it has fangs), and most of all, it links back to me. Although it lists me in the Brie category, which implies some sort of French connection, and I don't think it's the cool one with Gene Hackman and nifty car chases with drug dealers. Perhaps it has something to do with my blog being like fine champagne, and as the Cheese says, there is no sex in the Champgne Room, and not much of it here either.

Since there's no sex, and in honor of the newest blogroll addition, here's a list of my Top 10 Cheese of All Time:

10. Fonzie jumps the shark, and Happy Days bites the dust.
9. David Soul sings "Don't Give Up On Us, Bayyy-beh".
8. Every episode of "Friends".
7. Any TV show where the protagonist and antagonist team up to oppose something truly "evil", like Republicans, or independent thought, or other dangerous things.
6. Jesse Ventura, who's getting moldy.
5. Dan Quayle, who still isn't properly aged.
4. Kevin Costner in "Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves." (Limburger.)
3. Synchronized swimming/rhythmic gymnastics. (Yes, they are athletic. No, they're not sports. Get over it.)
2.Everything Stephen King has written since "It", including the 43rd novel or short story about cars being possessed. You think this guy owned a Ford at one time in his life? Sheesh.

And the #1 Cheese of All Time is:

1. Battlefield Earth, the world's greatest unintentional comedy of all time. Besides Jesse Ventura.

By the way, I'm lactose-intolerant.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at November 24, 2003 7:03 PM

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