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November 26, 2003
Gray Lady Getting Alzheimers?

Eric at Viking Pundit notes an unusual correction by the Newspaper of Record:

The diagramless puzzle in the magazine on Sunday provided an erroneous clue for 21 Down, seeking the answer "Colin." Colin Powell is secretary of state, not defense.

Now, perhaps I am being a bit harsh, but shouldn't a newspaper know the correct job titles for a sitting president's Cabinet members? Especially in this case, where the Secretary of State is frequently hailed by said newspaper as a lone voice of reason in this administration, while the Secretary of Defense is routinely castigated? I understand that this is just a puzzle, not a hard news story. But one would suppose that the Times allows its employees to read the entire paper; if this is an example of how well the Gray Lady serves to educate its readership ...

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at November 26, 2003 2:15 AM

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