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December 9, 2003
Around the Blogs in 80 Seconds

Another of those linkfests for when I only have a few minutes at lunchtime ....

First off, I've blogrolled Fresh Bed Goodness, another fine Minnesota blog. She recently linked over to my post abound abandoned infants, and she also has some thoughts on the same subject. Check her out.

Hugh Hewitt sent me an e-mail earlier informing me that my third task is to have my picture taken while giving a Hummel to James Lileks. Hmmm. I'm thinking that James is probably already on red alert, looking for lunatics holding Hummels. This will take some thought and cunning, which is difficult for a jack-booted thug. (I'm sure you understand.) More on this later, but on his blog, Hugh wonders if the Democrats will make Dean apologize for his outrageous accusation that Bush had advance knowledge about 9/11 and failed to act. I somehow doubt that such a request would come from these regularly-scheduled hatefests; perhaps Lieberman or Gephardt, who seem to be the only two adults in the room, may speak up.

Jon at QandO is unhappy with Dennis "Most Eligible Platform" Kucinich. Can't say as I blame him.

The Sophorist has a post about a new group forming in opposition to PETA that's about to go all George Soros on their collective vegan a**. He's got links to the ads, too. I'll have to check those out when I'm not at work (it's all about the bandwidth here.)

Susie at Practical Penumbra wants you to vote for Ambient Irony over Captain's Quarters at the Wizbang Weblog Awards ... and she tracked back to here to tell everyone to do that. Hmmm. Fair's fair, and now I'm tracking back to her post to tell everyone she's wrong. (Although, to be fair, AI ain't a bad choice, folks.) Speaking of which, I notice that Captain's Quarters seems to be stalled at 5 votes, but QandO is at 8. Don't forget to vote! Twilight Cafe wouldn't be a bad choice, either.

Venomous Kate hurt her back and is taking some time off. Drop her a note to say "get well soon."

Cayankee doesn't get it. Neither do I.

More later ...

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at December 9, 2003 12:43 PM

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» LOTD - Q from Technically Speaking
This may be a bit queer, but I nominated my quintessence to fill in for the queen of LOTD, today. It has been 5 days since our last quarry, so I think we are nigh time. What are my qualifications, you ask? Well, the queen would want it so. So step easi... [Read More]

Tracked on December 10, 2003 10:45 PM

» LOTD - Q from Technically Speaking
This may be a bit queer, but I nominated my quintessence to fill in for the queen of LOTD, today. It has been 5 days since our last quarry, so I think we are nigh time. What are my qualifications, you ask? Well, the queen would want it so. So step easi... [Read More]

Tracked on December 10, 2003 10:47 PM

» LOTD - Q from Technically Speaking
This may be a bit queer, but I nominated my quintessence to fill in for the queen of LOTD, today. It has been 5 days since our last quarry, so I think we are nigh time. What are my qualifications, you ask? Well, the queen would want it so. So step easi... [Read More]

Tracked on December 10, 2003 10:47 PM

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