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December 29, 2003
Society of the Master of the Horse

It took some time, some detective work, and a lot of patience, but I have defied the predictions of the gang over at Fraters Libertas and fulfilled Hugh Hewitt's final task for my entry into the Society of the Master of the Horse. As you may recall, I had to pass three arduous tasks:

1. Write a post that denounced the guys at Fraters Libertas in a particularly shameful way.
2. Create an epic poem that mentioned at least ten blogs ... and also denounced Fraters Libertas and James Lileks.
3. Lastly, get a picture of me giving James Lileks a Hummel.

The third task has taken me almost four weeks to strategize. After all, James Lileks is a world-renowned figure, a man who would not be surprised easily, especially after being tipped off to my plans. However, I finally managed to catch up with James at an event I knew he couldn't miss, a moment he would never pass up ... the Annual Twin Cities PETA Barbecue and Chili Cookoff:

Please note that James and I demonstrate, in this photo, that Minnesotans are actually among the best-dressed urbanites in the nation, and that plaid is only de rigeur with Cheeseheads. He looks a bit surprised in this photo, but that's because I told him that Joaquin Phoenix had stolen the short ribs off of his plate while we were posing for the photo.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at December 29, 2003 8:55 PM

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» Lazinly linking to my little corner of the blogosphere from
Fraterslibertas has a new Hugh Hewitt action figure. Despite several hints, Santa brought me neither a Hewitt nor an Coulter action figure for Christmas.Speaking of Hugh, Ed of Captain's Quarters has been inducted into one of Hewitt's Nanook of the [Read More]

Tracked on December 30, 2003 8:16 PM

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