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January 21, 2004
Nancy Pelosi Frightens A Nation

From the reaction around the blogosphere, you'd think that President Bush's State of the Union address was simply a crowd-warmer for the real entertainment of the evening -- Nancy Pelosi's performance in the Democratic response that almost immediately followed. While both Daschle and Pelosi were both devoid of any specifics, at least Daschle looked like he liked being there; Pelosi's face was frozen into a mask of terror, with wide bulging eyes that seemed to be saying, "Stop me before my face shatters!"

Nor was I the only one who noticed Pelosi's odd facial expression. The Instapundit, Glenn Reynolds, said: "Bush looks better now that the Democratic reply is on. Nancy Pelosi's unblinking, wide-eyed stare-into-the-camera delivery is just creepy. ("Please meet my captors' demands.")" Roger Simon's wife, screenwriter Sheryl Longin, has another reaction: "Botox." In fact, a number of Simon's readers said the same thing in his comments section along with another possibility, summed up nicely, if pruriently, by this comment: "Pelosi must be about one face lift away from having a beard."

The Elder, at Fraters Libertas, scolds Saint Paul for violating the non-compete clause in his (I'm certain) highly lucrative blogging contract and then follows with this description of Pelosi: "Finally, Nancy Pelosi WTF? She is one scary looking broad. With those eyes she looked like an freakin' barn owl. I almost expected her to swoop out of her chair and snag a field mouse (or Tom Daschle) in her talons at any moment."

Finally, Jay Reding at least has the good manners to feel badly about focusing on Pelosi's appearance ... but still notes this, which can serve as a wrap-up:

Pelosi looks like a victim of a bad botox operation... granted, that's rather superficial, but it's also distracting. Her eyebrows are locked in a continued raise. Her delivery is atrocious and canned. If this is the best the Democrats can do, they're screwed.
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Posted by Ed Morrissey at January 21, 2004 6:22 AM

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Tracked on January 21, 2004 12:00 PM

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