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January 27, 2004
Someone Stop Sandler!

Lovers of classic 1970s films, especially sports films, may need extra blood-pressure medicine after reading this item on Adam Sandler's latest project:

Adam Sandler will star in a remake of the 1974 Burt Reynolds comedy "The Longest Yard," the story of a former football player turned convict who challenges prison guards to a game.

Adam Sandler -- remaking one of the icons of men's films? I ask you, how many of you can see Sandler as even an adequate replacement for Burt Reynolds? Sandler must be hallucinating, which would explain his Mr. Deeds remake, too. I don't believe that someone can ruin a classic movie by remaking it poorly -- after all, the original movie still remains -- but you can certainly insult its standing by making stupid casting decisions. One could hardly get more foolish than by casting Sandler as a hardened and corrupt NFL quarterback who stands up to an even more corrupt prison system. I don't know about you, but when I put the concepts of prison and Sandler together, it doesn't equate in my mind with "cynical tough guy," but more with the common name for a female dog, if you dig my drift.

Here's Sandler's partner on the concept:

"Although we plan to update quite a few things, the overall story will remain intact," said Jack Giarraputo, who co-owns the Happy Madison production company with Sandler. "We want to keep the same blend of comedy and grit that made the first one a classic."

Why does this sound like a pitch for The Waterboy II: Bobby Behind Bars?

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at January 27, 2004 10:30 PM

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» On Snark Station from Electric Venom
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