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March 4, 2004
At Least the North Koreans Are More Honest About It

Last weekend, I incurred the ire of Pandagon readers by suggesting that the Iranians were attempting to influence the presidential election by claiming John Kerry sent them e-mail and then putting out a phony report that Bush had Osama locked up but was waiting until the fall for the maximum political impact. Readers on the Left interpreted my post as an attack on John Kerry's patriotism, for some reason, instead of an attack on the Iranian leadership's intelligence. Now another member of the Axis of Evil has publicly made its choice for the American President known, and surprise, surprise, it ain't W (via Hugh Hewitt):

North Korea's state-controlled media are well known for reverential reporting about Kim Jong-il, the country's dictatorial leader. But the Dear Leader is not the only one getting deferential treatment from the communist state's propaganda machine: John Kerry, the presumptive Democratic candidate, is also getting good play in Pyongyang.

In the past few weeks, speeches by the Massachusetts senator have been broadcast on Radio Pyongyang and reported in glowing terms by the Korea Central News Agency (KCNA), the official mouthpiece of Mr Kim's communist regime.

Why do you suppose they're giving Kerry the Kim Jong-Il treatment in Pyongyang? They're unhappy that the Bush administration insists on multilateral negotiations and won't bend on complete, verifiable, and irreversible disarmament. Bush learned from the mistake Jimmy Carter foisted on a reluctant Bill Clinton (to be fair) and won't trust the NoKos with just pledges. The Financial Times makes it clear that Pyongyang feels that they can get a better deal from Kerry, one that closely resembles the deal they abrogated with such ease during the Clinton administration:

But both Mr Kerry and Mr Bush are committed to North Korean disarmament. Mr Kerry, however, would renew bilateral negotiations between Washington and Pyongyang, while Mr Bush has sought to manage the conversation with North Korea through multilateral talks. Mr Kerry has also been more forthright about setting out the economic rewards for North Korea if it disarms.

Once again, the dictatorships that oppress millions of people under brutal conditions have made their choice for the American President clear.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at March 4, 2004 8:18 PM

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» Who Supports Whom from Confessions Of A Political Junkie
Captain Ed links to the story that North Korea supports Gigolo John. Let's just take on this issue for a moment. A large portion of the world hates the United States. They see us as pushy, bossy, and uncontrollable. They see us as a bunch of warmongers... [Read More]

Tracked on March 4, 2004 9:44 PM

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