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The London Telegraph has reviewed the results of two polls, one by CNN/USA Today and the other by Gallup/ABC/Washington Post, and reports that American determination regarding Iraq has been underestimated, as has support for George Bush:
In a boost for President George W Bush, opinion polls yesterday showed that the American public strongly backs a continued presence in Iraq, even though they believe the effort there is in trouble. Though 59 per cent of Americans believe the US is "bogged down", two thirds said troops should remain until order is restored, even if that means more casualties. ...The polls refute the belief that ordinary Americans have no stomach for casualties or are oblivious to the problems facing coalition forces.
Although our national media continues to operate from hysteria mode, making numerous Tet analogies every time someone shoots a gun off in the Sunni triangle, Americans as a whole understand the nature of the Iraq operation and its fit into the greater context of the war on terror. This understanding, thankfully, transcends partisan boundaries as well, since two-thirds of respondents support the continued presence of American troops in Iraq even though casualties continue to occur. 57 percent believe, as Bush has asserted, that the war has increased the long-term security of the US.
John Kerry's only hope, in the face of these numbers, is hopelessness. Expect him to sell it in spades during the coming months.
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Here are a few interesting items from around the blogosphere: Captain Ed reports The London Telegraph citing polls that show American determination regarding Iraq and support for George Bush have been underestimated. And he uses the word "phlegmatic" i... [Read More]
Tracked on April 21, 2004 9:14 AM


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