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April 25, 2004
Why I Hate The Radical Left

Via Power Line, Portland IndyMedia provides a great example of the moral decay evident amongst the anarcho-socialist leftists (not the mainstream left -- there is a huge difference between the two). The headline on IndyMedia's post about the death of Pat Tillman?

Dumb Jock Killed in Afghanistan

Here's a few of the sentiments you can find among the International ANSWER crowd:

maybe he should have intervened when the CIA was training, funding and equiping bin Laden and Al Qaeda during the 80s. that might have actually accomplished something. ...

"Cottled [sic] sports star allows nationalism to foster jingoistic irresponsibility resulting in his death", or how about "Citizen of empire allows ignorance to cause him to die for imperialism", or maybe "Capitalist chooses to kill innocents instead of cashing check" ...

Tillman chose to go to Afghanistan. He's partially reponsible for the deaths of hundreds, maybe thousands of Afghan civilians. No need to feel sorry for him, other than feeling bad that he was brainwashed into serving as a grunt. ...

Tillman made a choice and got what he deserved, nothing more. ...

US soldiers in Afghanistan are war criminals who have repeatedly targeted civilians, as well as killed unarmed prisoners of war in cold blood. Karma sure is a bitch, isn't it Tillman? ...

Remember this when you see people at ANSWER and MoveOn rallies claiming to "support the troops". That's just for the cameras. When they're back home, this is what they think of "the troops".

Time for a shower.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at April 25, 2004 10:14 PM

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