May 19, 2004

The War on Democracy

Let's face it, there is no War on Terrorism. Yes, I have thrown that phrase around a lot on this blog because I wanted to believe it. But it's not our war, we didn't start it, and despite 9/11, we still hesitate to call it what it is.

On todays, Garry Kasparov offers us a glimpse of clarity:

"Since the Abu Ghraib abuses were revealed, the battleground has been chosen by those who would blur the lines between terrorists and those fighting against them. The Bush administration has contributed to the confusion with its ambiguous "war on terror." You cannot fight a word. You need targets, you need to know what you are fighting for and against."

"The situation is worse in the Muslim world. Calling the terrorists "militants" or "radical Islamists" presupposes the existence of moderates willing to confront the radicals. Outside of Turkey, it is very hard to find moderate clerics who will stand up to Islamist terrorists, even though the majority of their victims are Muslim."

"We have seen 25 years of anti-Western propaganda and hatred emanating from Iran, not only against Israel and the U.S. but against the liberal values that make up the core of our civilization."

Mr. Kasparov concludes:

"In this fight the enemy does not play by our rules, or by any rules at all. WMD will be in terrorist hands eventually; conventional wisdom recognizes this reality. Concessions and negotiations at best only delay catastrophe. Europe and its people are in this war whether they acknowledge it or not. Those who would appease terrorists must realize that by pretending that this battle does not exist, they will soon have blood on their hands--both real and metaphorical."

Unfortunately, the mainstream media is too busy with the War on Bush to notice they have joined the enemy.


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