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June 9, 2004
Stupidity In Marketing

Let's say you want to promote a new film -- or, more accurately, a new remake of a classic sci-fi thriller that probably should have been left alone. Seeing as how the film stars top-drawer talent, including the beautiful Nicole Kidman in a lead role as well as Bette Midler and Glenn Close, how would you go about attracting people to the box office? Would you try to show us a sexy Nicole, or some scenes with Close, Midler, or perhaps Christopher Walken or Matthew Broderick?

I'd bet you wouldn't strip Condoleezza Rice to the waist and put Hillary Clinton in a swimsuit holding a plate of cookies:

Some people are saying the way Hillary Clinton and Condoleezza Rice are portrayed in an ad for the new "Stepford Wives" film is distasteful, even outrageous. The spot shows an image of Rice made to look nude from the waist up, and a picture of Clinton that morphs into what looks like a cookie-baking Stepford wife.

The pictures move across the screen very quickly, but they caught the eye of a Kansas City woman, who recorded the spot to make sure of what she was seeing.

I have no idea what went through the minds of the marketing team when they put this spot together. I could almost see the Hillary spot -- during the first Clinton campaign for president, Hillary made a dismissive statement that she didn't think staying at home and baking cookies made for a fulfilling life, causing a minor kerfuffle but did no real damage. However, Rice isn't married at all, and while conservatives often talk about how attractive she is, it's usually in the context of her future in politics and not a future in Playboy. Both women's careers stand for making it on their intellect and education, not by either flaunting their bodies nor by acting in expected gender roles.

Up to now, I'd thought I might want to see this film, even though the all of the surprise that made the first film a classic has been lost. Now I'm not so sure. I have no patience for idiotic marketing, and this is pretty damned stupid. I can't say I'm offended or terribly surprised, but buying a ticket for the movie now almost feels like endorsing the advertisement. (via Wonkette)

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at June 9, 2004 8:38 PM

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» The Stepford Wives Politically Incorrect Advertisement from Clay Whittaker
The contreversy is summed up thusly: Some people are saying the way Hillary Clinton and Condoleezza Rice are portrayed in an ad for the new "Stepford Wives" film is distasteful, even outrageous. The spot shows an image of Rice made... [Read More]

Tracked on June 10, 2004 8:00 PM

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