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June 10, 2004
A Big NoKo Hello To Juneau

You can file this under the 'Well, this can't be good' category -- the London Telegraph reports that the North Koreans have testing a new ICBM with a range that includes Alaska:

North Korea has tested an intercontinental ballistic missile engine capable of hitting the United States, according to a South Korean report. The potential range of the missile was established by American intelligence from scorch marks and other traces of the engine test, the newspaper Joongang Ilbo said, citing diplomatic sources.

It could reach up to 3,700 miles, enough to hit Alaska.

The Telegraph concludes their report with the laughable notion that the US had ignored the Korean Peninsula because of the war in Iraq -- as if Washington DC consists of a few guys hanging around a fax machine who can only work on one problem at a time. Not only that, but missiles don't just get designed and built in a year; they take years to develop and manufacture, especially prototypes which need a significant number of new parts, and therefore new dies for casting the metal. This missile is the product of a well-entrenched program to develop WMD that specifically threatens the US and Japan, a program that has been going on for years.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at June 10, 2004 9:10 PM

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