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By now, you have read that the 9/11 Commission report that found "no credible evidence" that al-Qaeda and Saddam Hussein's Iraq collaborated on any level, despite the 1998 indictment by the Clinton administration -- pursued by Commissioner Jamie Gorelick during her tenure in the DoJ -- alleging exactly that connection:
Al Qaeda reached an understanding with the government of Iraq that al Qaeda would not work against that government and that on particular projects, specifically including weapons development, al Qaeda would work cooperatively with the Government of Iraq.
I have more about the connections between Iraq and al-Qaeda in this post reviewing the Stephen Hayes book, The Connection. This excellent book makes hash out of any notion that Iraq and al-Qaeda had no connections, and also shows that the media and the Clinton administration had no qualms about trumpeting those connections until 2001.
However, to get a good grip on the fallacious reporting on the commission report (which is a great deal different than the media's coverage would lead you to believe), be sure to read Power Line. Rocket Man points out exactly what the Bush administration has said about Iraq/AQ connections and how that has been distorted by both the commission and the media. Big Trunk reviews an NRO article by US Chief Assistant Attorney Andrew McCarthy, who successfully prosecuted Abdul Rachman (the "blind sheik"), who takes apart the commission's report. Deacon joins in by pointing out that Tony Blair also objects to the thrust of the report, saying that "Saddam's was a rogue state which threatened the security of the region and the world."
They also highly recommend buying the Hayes book. It's well written and compelling. Hayes has appeared on our radio show in the past and hopefully we will get him again to address the 9/11 Commission report, so if nothing else, be sure to pick up The Connection for homework.
UPDATE: The backtracking begins ...
Top members of the 9/11 commission are toning down any disagreement with the Bush administration over Iraq and al-Qaida.The panel's Republican chairman says there were "contacts" between Saddam Hussein's government and the militant group. Tom Kean says some contacts "were shadowy -- but they were there."
I suspect that more of this will continue tomorrow -- but well off the front pages where this appeared.
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» Dumb or Scum? from LeatherPenguin Blog
Well, the "non-partisan" circus has issued a final report, and the major media is spinning it for all it's worth. But these days they have a problem getting away... [Read More]
Tracked on June 18, 2004 6:49 AM
» NY & LA Times Doublespeak from The Beacon
Much has been said about the media's overplaying, even misleading coverage of the 9/11 Commissions finding that there was no evidence of al Qaeda and Iraq working together on the 9/11 attacks. With very few exceptions the media misreported what the Com... [Read More]
Tracked on June 18, 2004 7:04 PM
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