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My Northern Alliance colleague and all-around great guy, John "Rocket Man" Hinderaker, has agreed to appear in a new documentary on Minnesota bloggers, along with Scott "Big Trunk" Johnson. The documentarian is a blogger himself at the left-wing site Blogumentary, and he has already announced the interview on his site, sounding a bit nervous:
I reassured him that I'm no Michael Moore, and I'm not out to make anyone look bad. Conservative blogs represent a huge chunk of the blogosphere, and I would be remiss not to include them and their perspective. I'm fortunate (err, as a blog filmmaker) to live in a state chock full of prominent right-wing blogs: The Northern Alliance of Blogs.Wish me luck.
Come on, man, we don't bite! (They're lawyers. They sue. It's worse.) I suspect he may be more nervous about the response from his regular readers, though. I noticed that this was his only post where he has disabled comments.
Problems with free speech on the left?
UPDATE: Chuck has reopened comments after explaining why he needed to close them briefly. (Hey, it happens to all of us.) It looks like Chuck has a good sense of humor and fair play, so Rocket and Trunk should be in good hands. I'll post more when Chuck's ready to release the film.
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