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June 23, 2004
AP Indulging In Moral Relativism

The AP reports today that the US has retaliated against Abu Musab al-Zarqawi in an airstrike earlier today for the beheading of Kim Sun-Il. Zarqawi's Monotheism and Jihad terror cell also threatened to continue assassination attempts against Iyad Allawi, the interim Iraqi PM:

U.S. forces launched an airstrike targeting militant Abu Musab al-Zarqawi after his group beheaded a South Korean who had pleaded "I don't want to die" in a heart-wrenching videotape. Another audio recording purportedly made by al-Zarqawi and found online Wednesday threatened to kill Iraq's interim prime minister. ...

Al-Zarqawi's Monotheism and Jihad movement is believed to be behind Tuesday's slaying of Kim Sun-il, the third foreign hostage decapitated in the Middle East in little over a month.

So how does the AP describe the murder of Kim? By describing how he was dressed, in a somewhat subtle attempt to draw parallels between the treatment of hostages by AQ fanatics and detainees by Americans:

The Arabic language satellite television channel Al-Jazeera broadcast a videotape of a terrified Kim kneeling, blindfolded and wearing an orange jumpsuit similar to those issued to prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba [emph. mine].

Kim's shoulders were heaving, his mouth open and moving as if he were gulping air and sobbing. Five hooded and armed men stood behind him, one with a big knife slipped in his belt.

I'm a bit surprised that Robert Reid couldn't find a way to squeeze in a mention of Abu Ghraib, but you know how it is working under a deadline. Perhaps Reid doesn't know that many prisons and jails in the US also use orange jumpsuits; maybe Zarqawi just likes the color orange. What the hell does Guantanamo have to do with the beheading of civilians? Is this truly what the AP thinks -- that somehow our detention of fighters out of uniform during the Afghan campaign somehow equates, or is even similar, to al-Qaeda kidnappings and beheadings of civilians in Iraq? If so, let them have the guts to print it outright instead of making cowardly references like the one in this piece.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at June 23, 2004 5:29 AM

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