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If you're a blogger in Minnesota (or anywhere within driving distance of the Twin Cities), we really should get together sometime.
There are a lot of cool people writing blogs - or even just reading them - in the Upper Midwest, and we should definitely try to meet sometime. So the Northern Alliance is throwing a shindig - a non-political, ecumenical one - for bloggers in the area, and we'd like all you bloggers to be there!
Here's the deal: We'd like to meet at Keegan's Irish Pub in Northeast Minneapolis, on Saturday, July 24, at 5PM. We'd like to spend a few hours hanging out, meeting other bloggers, and just having some fun. Cash bar? The whole place IS a cash bar!
By the way - this is not a "Northern Alliance" event, just a random social thang.
Interested in being there? We'd love to get a headcount. Please drop us a line at
party *at* northernallianceradio *dot* com
Tell us who you are and what blog you write, if any. We'll send the details right back.
Hope to see you all there! Oh - and spread the word among any other bloggers you know!
The Whole Northern Alliance
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» overdue link love from Auterrific
SJ is blogging through the birth of her baby right now. Captain Ed calls out all upper midwest bloggers for a little bash at an Irish Pub. Ditto on everything this post at A Small Victory says. Gotta thank Lawren... [Read More]
Tracked on July 12, 2004 8:12 AM
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