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July 15, 2004
Lefty lunatic still digging

If you thought the lunatic left hit rock bottom with the “cartoon” depicting Condoleezza Rice proclaiming herself Bush's "HOUSE NIGGA,” you are in for an unpleasant wake-up call with his new piece of sludge encouraging all Americans to boycott the military.

His thesis, such as it is: “There was a time when service in U.S. military was honorable and professionally rewarding. But because of politicians who use the military to pump up corporate profits instead of defending us, that was a long time ago.”

Therefore, Rall doesn’t just want conscientious objectors to avoid military service, rather, his goal is that “Americans personal integrity” not volunteer and “discourage everyone they care about to do the same.”

But he doesn’t stop there and instead continues to smear those who have given up their freedom to join our nation’s legion of protectors. Americans don’t volunteer out of patriotism or desire for public service because "They come from parts of the country where jobs are hard to find." Where these mysterious parts are, Rall does not say. But he won’t be accused of this patriotism, whatever that is, claiming, “I'd rather sleep under a bridge, eating trash out of a Dumpster, than murder human beings for Halliburton.”

Rall also wants you to know that military service is not particularly lucrative and therefore no good can come of it:
“Not only is working as a hired gun for the U.S. government bad for your soul, it's a bad deal financially. Starting pay in the U.S. armed forces runs about $12,000 per year, about the same as working at McDonald's. The much-vaunted tuition benefit is a joke: at a time when college costs an average of $20,000 per year, a two-year active-duty stint in the army gets you a maximum $7,500. And if some insurgent draws a bead on you, you'll be treated in shabby, overcrowded Veterans Administration hospitals until you end up on the street, out of work and out of luck.”

First of all, it is a ridiculous notion that anyone, whatever his or her financial circumstances, would consider military service a “get rich quick scheme,” but Rall’s monetary information is flat-out wrong. There is no such thing as a “starting salary” for military service. True, first year enlistees will only earn about $12,000 in basic pay, but this does not take into account a allowances for food and housing and medical care, along with the other numerous benefits the hardworking taxpayers provide for our men and women in uniform. As for those who enter the service as commissioned officers, the first year salary is twice that amount. For many career fields however, there are generous bonuses, even for enlisted troops. And if one is deployed, there are hazardous duty pay, family separation allowances, tax free zones, etc, etc. If Rall had just taken the time to click here instead of mouthing off, he would know these things.

Rall is also way wrong on his tuition argument (yeah, I know, wonders never cease). Has he ever heard of the G.I. bill or 100% tuition assistance? I didn’t think so.

Finally, this useful idiot of the angry left insists the last time our nation was attacked by a “foreign power” was in 1941. Unless OBL has been hiding in the Arkansas foothills all this time, neither he nor his organization can be considered a domestic enemy.

Rall thinks WWII was our last "honorable war," so I guess we know how much he loves North Korea and thinks Saddam should have kept Kuwait.

If you want to join the military just to spite Rall (a patriotic duty in my opinion), click any of these links for recruiting information: Air Force, Navy, Army, Marines.

UPDATE: OK, so above is my rational rebuttal of Rall's "opinion." I had to take a break so I could give my own "opinion" of his piece without using language that could be inappropriate.

Rall is clearly unhinged, and that wouldn't be a matter of interest except for the fact he is a mouthpiece for the Democrats. He write what they are thinking, and they won't rebuke him. Instead, the leftish response will be he's just taking advantage of his right to free speech. But it's not free speech, it's free filth.

So many brave men and women have given their lives and their freedom so that slime such as Rall can enjoy full First Amendment protection. What a waste.

Before Rall shouts too loudly for a boycott of military service, he should consider what it would be like to have the business end of a scimitar raised over his head.

UPDATE: Reader Monkeyboy just reminded me not to forget the Coasties, who protect us at home and carry on the good fight abroad. Click here to join up.

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Posted by Whiskey at July 15, 2004 6:20 AM

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» Ted Rall is nuts from Lifes Lessons
So, Rall doesn't think serving in the military is honorable. Jackass [Read More]

Tracked on July 16, 2004 1:20 AM

» Whiskey Douses Rall from Jack Of Clubs
While he's busy boycotting military service I wonder if Rall will also be boycotting military protection. Is it now safe for terrorists and other foreign powers to attack him? My suspicion is they won't take his leftist views into account if he ever fi... [Read More]

Tracked on July 16, 2004 6:24 PM

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