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July 26, 2004
We're Here To Restore Civility, You %$#*&@%

Teresa Heinz-Kerry strkes again! The woman who wants to replace Laura Bush at the White House urged her home-state Massachussetts delegates to help the Kerry/Edwards ticket replace the "un-American" Republicans and restore civility to politics, and then within minutes told a reporter to "shove it":

"We need to turn back some of the creeping, un-Pennsylvanian and sometimes un-American traits that are coming into some of our politics," the wife of Sen. John Kerry told her fellow Pennsylvanians on Sunday night at a Massachusetts Statehouse reception.

Minutes later, Colin McNickle, the editorial page editor of the conservative Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, questioned her on what she meant by the term "un-American," according to a tape of the encounter recorded by Pittsburgh television station WTAE.

Heinz Kerry said, "I didn't say that" several times to McNickle. She then turned to confer with Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell and others. When she faced McNickle again a short time later, he continued to question her, and she replied, "You said something I didn't say. Now shove it."

No matter how much her husband or his campaign staff display their tone-deafness on the stump, Teresa Heinz-Kerry can always outdo them. Teresa is shaping up as the biggest embarrassment for Kerry/Edwards, a time bomb waiting to go off every time she wanders from prepared speech. She talks about restoring civility, and even before she told the reporter to "shove it," she inferred that her party's opponents were un-American. Way to restore that civility!

(As an aside, do you notice that when Republicans criticize Democrats' voting records, the Democrats screech about their patriotism being questioned, while Democrats have no problem calling Republicans Nazis and un-American?)

Michelle Malkin notes a striking similarity between Teresa and Howard Dean, pointing back to a prediction she made in January.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at July 26, 2004 4:23 AM

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» THIS is CIVIL? from BitsBlog
Terry, Baby... you GOTTA start going to your Anger Management therapy again! [Read More]

Tracked on July 26, 2004 7:09 AM

» Shove It from :: Political Musings ::
So, I'm waking up as I quite frequently do, to the Today show. I can barely stand it but the wife turns it on. Anyway, Campbell Brown is reporting on some convention news and wraps it up with this nugget. Teresa Heinz was addressing the Penns... [Read More]

Tracked on July 26, 2004 9:46 AM

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