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August 11, 2004
Iranian Chutzpah Reveals Their Intentions All Along

The Iranians have presented a list of demands to their European enablers that not only reveals the true intentions of the mullahcracy but the absolute uselessness of EU leadership. Britain and other EU nations were "stunned" to receive demands not just for dual-use nuclear technology, but for the delivery of weapons to the Iranian mullahs and a defense pact against Israel:

Iran has issued an extraordinary list of demands to Britain and other European countries, telling them to provide advanced nuclear technology, conventional weapons and a security guarantee against nuclear attack by Israel.

Teheran's request, said by British officials to have "gone down very badly", sharply raises the stakes in the crisis over Iran's nuclear programme, which Britain and America believe is aimed at making an atomic bomb.

Iran's move came during crisis talks in Paris this month with senior diplomats from Britain, France and Germany. ...

Iran said the EU-3 should support Iran's quest for "advanced (nuclear) technology, including those with dual use" - a reference to equipment that has both civilian and military applications.

The Europeans should "remove impediments" preventing Iran from having such technology, and stick to these commitments even if faced with "legal (or) political . . . limitations", an allusion to American pressure or even future international sanctions against Iran.

More astonishingly, Iran said the EU-3 should agree to meet Iran's requirements for conventional weapons and even "provide security assurances" against a nuclear attack on Iran.

The so-called EU-3 -- Britain, France, and Germany -- are still debating their response, which tells you the entire story of the nuclear disarmament talks with Iran. The EU-3 demanded to take the lead on negotiations aimed at forcing Iran to comply with its treaty obligations for non-proliferation. France and Germany especially insisted that the issue not be brought to the UN Security Council in order to avoid actually having to take action against Iran for non-compliance, figuring that European wisdom would win out over Iranian instransigence -- and American bluntness.

Well, guess what? The same thinking that led to the twelve-year Iraqi quagmire has delivered again, only this time the stakes are much higher. Iran has to understand that these demands are not only impossible, but could not be designed better to insult the EU-3 and humiliate them in front of the world. What does that tell you?

Iran has nuclear weapons ready to go.

Non-proliferation talks with dictators are useless unless the talks are backed up by action. Iran clearly knew that France and Germany don't have the capacity to act, and as long as Britain allowed itself to be yoked to these two military cripples, neither would they. Had Russia, China, or the US been invited to the talks, it's possible that the outcome would have been different. The mullahs would have taken the threat seriously instead of laughing at the empty threat that a Franco-German military alliance presented.

The US has to bring this to the UNSC for a final reckoning whether the EU-3 likes it or not, and none of this sixteen-resolutions-broken process, either. Either they go the way of Libya or they go the way of Iraq, and they have a short window in which to comply. European dithering will be the death of the West yet, if we allow it.

And remember which candidate has the fetish for European approval in the upcoming presidential election. Casting a vote for John Kerry is an endorsement of this fecklessness. He's made his insistence on Franco-German approval quite clear all campaign long.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at August 11, 2004 7:33 AM

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» Iran's Nukes from The Key Monk
Anyone with common sense and knowledge of both the type of regime Iran has and its publicly stated intentionsto both become a nuclear power and USE nuclear weapons against Israel knew that Iran would not voluntarily give up its nuclear weapons dreams b... [Read More]

Tracked on August 11, 2004 10:42 AM

» Can you say "Osiraq?" from Somewhere on A1A...
In what should have been a very predictable move, Iran has asked it's EUnuch partners for a couple of nuclear weapons. The next predictable move will be the destruction of Iran's nuclear capability. How much longer will they/we wait? Iran... [Read More]

Tracked on August 11, 2004 11:15 AM

» Iran Makes Demands on the EU-3 from Tusk & Talon
The regime in Tehran has thumbed its nose at the envoys from the EU-3 (Britain, France, and Germany). Not only did they refuse to halt their uranium enrichment program, they instead demanded that the Europeans hand over more nuclear technology. Quite... [Read More]

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Iran has issued an extraordinary list of demands to Britain and other Eur...
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Tracked on August 11, 2004 8:32 PM

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