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August 11, 2004
Christmas In Cambodia, Part VI: Silent Night (And Day)

Fox News updates the fallout from the collapse of the Christmas in Cambodia mythology (via Instapundit). After reviewing the story in a rather dispassionate manner, Fox includes this update to the Kerry camp's reaction:

The Kerry campaign first asserted that the Massachusetts senator never said that he was in Cambodia, only that he was near the country. But when presented with a copy of the Congressional Record and asked about Kerry's letter in the Boston Herald, the campaign said it would come up with an explanation. After repeated phone calls, there was still no clarification.

Can they still be trying to formulate a response? Or will they just remain silent on the issue as long as possible, while idiots like Atrios and Tom Tomorrow try to change the subject to George Bush's rugby career at Yale? (No, I'm not joking ... QandO has a great rundown on this.) Hugh Hewitt asked last night what the lefty blogger response would be, but in my wildest fantasy I wouldn't have guessed that they would come up with something so wildly ungermane and pathetic as this.

Let me make the difference clear for the insane:

1. Bush did not make his four months of in-pitch service in Rugby the central qualification for his presidency, either in 2000 or in 2004.

2. Bush did not avail himself of the "three injuries and you're out" clause at Yale in order to withdraw from the conflict.

3. Bush did not testify at the Greek Council after his release from the squad about the atrocities that his fellow rugby players, as well as football, basketball, and lacrosse athletes routinely committed as the result of the nefarious policies of the corrupt Yale administration.

4. As far as can be known without releasing his records, Bush never claimed to have illegally infiltrated Penn's rugby pitch, becoming embittered as Yale's president insisted on the radio that Yale had no men in clandestine missions.

5. Bush did not wear his rugby uniform in protests with Peter Gent against the violence and immorality of the continuing Rugby Leagues.

6. Bush did not use his Christmas At Penn story to get up in the US Senate (or anywhere else) to deny assistance to people fighting to free themselves from an oppressive Communist regime.

7. When Bush gets on stage in New York and surrounds himself with his former rugby mates for his acceptance speech, salutes them, and leads off with "I'm George Bush, and I'm reporting for the first shift!", well, then we'll get back to you on this.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at August 11, 2004 8:52 AM

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. . . Kerry has covered-up, backtracked and revised history -- an unholy trinity of obfuscation. Luckily for him, the mainstream media does not seem to care. [Read More]

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