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John Kerry has a huge problem with connecting on a personal level to his audiences. It doesn't come naturally with the Boston Brahmin, and every time he tries to make a special effort, it appears forced and unnatural. Yesterday, in West Virginia, his attempt to joke around with the audience turned downright creepy:
In West Virginia, Cecil Roberts, president of the United Mine Workers of America, gave Kerry a rifle as a gift. Kerry, a self-described gun-owner and hunter, quipped: "I thank you for the gift, but I can't take it to the debate with me."
I know that John Kerry doesn't want to assassinate George Bush, but doesn't he think about what he's saying before opening his mouth? Given the level of Bush-hatred and irrationality among the Democrats at the fringe, joking about bringing guns to a debate seems particularly irresponsible this electoral cycle.
If assassination jokes are what tickles Kerry's funny bone, he should keep them to himself. Not only are they in poor taste, but they reveal a strange side to Kerry that has occasionally peeked out during this campaign, in the form of Magic Hats and filmed combat recreations. Personally, I just get the impression that John Kerry is too weird for high public office.
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John Kerry has a strange sense of humor. [Read More]
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[4] Gets carried away, can’t control his mouth Kerry (really scary) – Now, this version of Kerry may not believe the things he says before he says them, but he believes them, to a certain degree, after he says them. This version of Kerry ... [Read More]
Tracked on September 7, 2004 9:28 AM


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