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October 6, 2004
Hey, I'm Funny And Dumb, Too!

I get a lot of spam on my blog account, most of which I simply delete because it's not worth the trouble to complain or unsubscribe (of which I'm suspicious, anyway). However, when someone is clueless enough to send out self-promotional material that contains a two-megabyte graphic announcement via my e-mail -- especially when I'm paying for bandwidth -- I find it not only incredibly annoying but awfully self-defeating as well, especially on the second message. When the spammer represents himself as a veteran expert in public relations, communications, and e-zines, the cluelessness almost approaches satire.

So in an attempt to keep this consultant from sending me any more huge graphic attachments as well as possibly giving him a clue about Internet etiquette, I send the following message:

A veteran PR firm would know better than to send a 2MB file on e-mail, especially a self-promoting one, twice. Please don't send this again.

This was the response I got this morning:

Funniest (and dumbest) response of the day…thanks Cap’n….don’t worry you won’t get another one…

Perhaps the clients of this veteran public-relations "expert" value the same service from their PR efforts: blunderingly send unwanted and time-consuming messages, and then follow up on complaints by insulting members of the media, new or old. On the other hand, what do I know? I'm the "dumbest" person who responded. Chances are, I'll also be the smartest.

At least he thinks I'm funny ... hope he keeps laughing.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at October 6, 2004 7:19 AM

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