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October 12, 2004
Norwegians Try Interfering With US Election

In an odd move, a coalition of leftist politicians and artists from Norway placed an ad in today's Washington Post urging Bush to apologize to the Iraqis for ... liberating them?

The Norwegian group "" said it used about $50,000 in donations from 4,000 people to fund the advertisement in the Washington Post to tell Bush that 80 percent of people in NATO-member Norway opposed the U.S.-led war in Iraq. ...

It urged a shift in U.S. foreign policy to allow greater U.N. involvement in Iraq, an apology to the Iraqi people for the war and compensation for victims.

That understates the incoherence of the advertisement itself. One could chalk this up to a language difference, but Norwegians speak excellent English. Any incoherence in this statement, therefore, derives from the idiocy of the writers:

Mr. President – we urge you to change your foreign olicy. To pursue a flawed and failed policy is a sign of weakness. We want the United States to be strong and creative enough to apologize to the Iraqi people for an unjust war, and to the Allies for having misled them. We want the USA to be generous enough to compensate the innocent victims of violence, looting and trauma inflicted by torture. We firmly believe that the quest for peace in Iraq is best led by the United Nations and a democratically-elected Iraqi government.

Where do we start with this self-contradictory mess? First we have the insistence on an apology, which seems to be the pinnacle of political thought from the global Left these days. And for what do the Norwegians want an apology? For having deposed a brutal dictator in the face of European corruption and decadence, when our so-called allies stuffed their pockets on the misery of the Iraqi people. While France, Germany, Russia, and China all actively undermined sanctions and took millions of dollars in bribes and kickbacks, the Norwegians want us to apologize -- for misleading them?

What do Norwegians smoke these days, anyway?

And it gets better. The Norwegians then tell us that the only people who can create a peaceful solution is the United Nations -- who set up and ran the scam that allowed Saddam to solidify his power base -- and a "democratically-elected Iraqi government." Never mind that the UN has yet to create a democratically-elected government in Kosovo, where they've been in charge for five years now. Never mind that the UN has already bugged out of Iraq once and is agitating to do so again, which would have left Iraq to the Ba'athists and terrorists last August had the Norwegians gotten their wish. The Tell Him.No group argues for a democratically-elected Iraqi government that would never have existed without deposing Saddam first!

So what we have here is a group of clueless leftists who either have no conception of reality or historical perspective, even in the short term, or malicious anti-American sentiment wrapped up in a thin covering of UN worship. My guess is more the latter than the former. They don't care a whit for the Iraqi people or their "democratically-elected" government. They believe that liberating 25 million people from a genocidal dictator requires an apology and a retreat, and use the moral standing of the worst enabler of that brutal reign as a platform to scold the liberators. Their website doesn't list the names of the people who formed this group, but I wouldn't be surprised if every one of them could trace their geneology back to Vidkun Quisling.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at October 12, 2004 5:19 AM

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» Those Norwegians from PiratesCove
Captain Ed has a great article on a group of Norwegians placing an ad in the Washington Post that asks W to apologize to the Iraqi's for invading and....liberating them. I would love to see W add it into a [Read More]

Tracked on October 12, 2004 6:10 AM

» TellHim and Diana Kerry - two peas in a pod from The Blog Hill
CQ wrote a comment on how the TellHim.No group has released an advertisement in the Washington Post, calling him to apologise. Foreigners meddling in other countries politics. As I was reading the piece I was reminded of how Diana Kerry did the same ... [Read More]

Tracked on October 12, 2004 8:37 AM

» Apologize Yourself from The Key Monk
Next, should Britain apologize to Norway for helping free it from the Nazis? Should Australia apologize to East Timor for helping that country come into existence? Should the US and UK apologize to France for liberating it in 1944? Should the UN apolog... [Read More]

Tracked on October 12, 2004 10:42 AM

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