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October 27, 2004
Another Attack On GOP Offices

In yet another attack on a GOP office, classy Democrats sprayed vulgarities on a large campaign sign in front of the Hollister, CA headquarters and have stolen Bush/Cheney signs throughout San Benito County (hat tip: Drudge):

Sometime between Oct. 12 and Oct. 16 unknown suspects vandalized a large Bush/Cheney campaign sign posted in the 700 block of McCray Street, spraying vulgarities denouncing the president, according to a Hollister police report.

Volunteers found the sign on Saturday, Oct. 16 and immediately took it down, said Jeannie Glass, San Benito County Republican Party volunteer.

Including several obscenities splashed across Bush and Cheney’s name, at the bottom the vandals sprayed the “F” word followed by the words Texas and Florida.

“To combine that word with Florida and Texas, someone understood the past election and where Bush is from, which is what made it interesting,” Glass said. “It wasn’t just kids.”

As Michelle Malkin has written extensively, this appears to be a coordinated, nationwide effort on the part of some Democrats to intimidate Republican activists and voters. It's not likely to work in Hollister, with which the Captain has more than a passing familiarity. Jeannie Glass is the Captain's cousin, and her family has been in Hollister for generations as cattle ranchers. She and her neighbors deal with much tougher issues than a couple of F-words written by classless and immature cretins.

I suspect that what Democrats around the country have done by their strong-arm tactics is create a silent movement towards Bush. People may be less likely to post their lawn signs or put bumper stickers on their car, but they're going to be determined to make sure that the goons don't get elected. I don't know the people of Hollister very well, but if my family up there are representative at all, the Democrats' methods in San Benito will damage them for years to come.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at October 27, 2004 5:57 AM

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» Good reads from The Patriette
And now for some news from around the blogosphere: Captain Ed discusses the strong-arm and threatening tactics used by the Democrats recently. (I agree with his summation that what its done is create a silent movement towards Bush. I might... [Read More]

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Another Attack against GOP headquarters... [Read More]

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