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November 1, 2004
Election Eve Phone Banking

While some voters get calls from an ersatz Norman Schwarzkopf or from the real Bret Favre or Curt Schilling, I've only been fortunate enough to get one call tonight from the GOP. After hearing someone grunt "Please listen," I got this recorded message with a female voice:

"Democrats keep accusing Republicans of secretly planning on reinstating the draft. But Democrats are the only ones who have proposed a new military draft ..."

It would have been all right if someone like the Bush twins had done the commercial. Heck, since Pete Coors is running for the Senate, maybe they could have had the Coors Twins record it. But no -- all I get is the gosh-darned generic message. I'm already supporting the GOP, of course, but I did feel a twinge of resentment that I didn't get to be phone-spammed by a really cool celebrity. I'd even have settled for Stephen Baldwin ...

Notes: I will continue posting flashbacks on the presidential election all night, as well as keep my eyes on the wire services to see if any news pops up. I'll stagger them through the night, so keep checking back.

Breaking news: I have a new interview with "Mike", my friend who served in Iraq for the past three years, discussing Al Qaqaa and Osama bin Laden. I'll be posting that in two parts tonight.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at November 1, 2004 8:48 PM

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» Good News From Ohio! from :: Political Musings ::
The ground game in Ohio is on the march. A good friend of mine is volunteering there on behalf of Bush-Cheney '04. I just received the following e-mail from him and am re-posting it here, unedited: The battle in Ohio is fully engaged. We are i... [Read More]

Tracked on November 1, 2004 11:32 PM

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