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November 3, 2004
Ohio Provisional Ballots: The New Democratic Mythology

CQ reader and fellow insomniac Byron Matthews found this tally of provisional ballots for Ohio, showing that the total number of provos -- 76,027 -- comes up to just over half of Bush's lead in the state.

This race is over. Even Democrats can do math.

UPDATE: Maybe I can't -- Cuyahoga has nothing listed, meaning that they haven't counted there. I believe that the Democrats estimated 25,000 provos there. If that isn't the final tally, the Ohio Secretary of State will probably have the updated totals tomorrow. Mea culpa...

UPDATE II: 3:28 AM CT -- Bush now leads by 171,000 votes in Ohio. My math is at least good enough to realize that 125,000 provos cannot outweigh that margin. Ohioans have spoken. Let's demand that John Kerry do the right thing and concede so that we can present a confident and united front, at home and especially abroad.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at November 3, 2004 2:33 AM

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» No Count of Provisionals Required from Carnivorous Conservative
h/t to Ace of Spades HQ How Many Provisional Ballots in Ohio, Again? [RETRACTED] Pixy Misa, who makes this whole joint swing, tips that there are in fact merely 76,000 or so provisional ballots at large in Ohio. [SEE CORRECTION.] [Read More]

Tracked on November 3, 2004 5:39 AM

» It's over from Banana Oil!
C--Span says Bush has Ohio with just over 136,000 votes and 100% of all precincts reporting. But they still won't give it to Bush. (Contrariwise they do give Wisconsin to Kerry, with a barely 14,000 vote advantage and 1% of precincts still to report... [Read More]

Tracked on November 3, 2004 6:17 AM

» Daily Dish from The Cool Blue Blog
It's pretty clear to everyone but the Kerry camp and their surrogates in the Axis of Bias, that Bush has won the election. I suppose CBS, the New York Times etc are waiting for the word from the Kerry camp [Read More]

Tracked on November 3, 2004 6:23 AM

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