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November 3, 2004
Bush's Victory Lap

I had to take the First Mate to the doctor's office for a flu shot (immune-depressed transplant patients are always at the top of the priority list), and I TiVo'd the President's victory speech. I caught part of it on the radio but wanted to watch the entire speech on its own before commenting.

I noticed an odd reaction on my part when I saw Dick Cheney and George Bush on stage at the same time; three years of war have made me worry about an attack every time they make a joint appearance. At some point those worries will be behind us, but not yet.

Cheney introduced Bush as Edwards did Kerry, but focused on the election and Bush rather than Edwards' approach, which seemed more aimed at keeping a spot warm in the 2008 primaries. The VP's speech also seemed shorter than that of his election counterpart, for which I am grateful.

Bush started out by reminding his gathered supporters that he represented all Americans, reaching out to his poltical opponents. He didn't spend too much time on that point, avoiding the maudlin; perhaps he would have been better off talking more on that note at the very beginning, in order to emphasize the healing and unity that we all want.

He spoke movingly about his family and complimented Cheney and his family before thanking all of his campaign staff. He got a big cheer and a laugh from me whn he called Karl Rove "The Architect", in what had to be a mild slap at conspiracy theorists who love to blame Rove for every imagined evil of this Administration. He spent more time thanking his many supporters, as is appropriate.

His best moments, I think, came when he sketched out the tasks which we have faced and those we still face. He made it clear that we are not going to back away from the war on terror, and indeed it seems clear that the mandate he received yesterday centers on his efforts to win that struggle. America will not be deterred in our determination to defeat this enemy.

A good speech -- gracious enough, and inspiring at times. Not necessarily a great speech, but the campaigning is over.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at November 3, 2004 2:49 PM

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