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November 4, 2004
CNN Also Missed Kerry's Unity Call

In a sign that the mainstream media will not go gently into that good night, CNN's Netscape Network Election 2004 page included a picture of George and Laura Bush, smiling and waving for the camera, catching Bush mid-sentence. If you take a look at the properties of this picture (shown below), you'll find out what CNN thinks of President Bush.

As of 12:41 am CT, the filename is asshole.jpg -- another example of the objectivity and fairness so evidenced by CNN. (Hat tip: CQ reader Jinx McHue)

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at November 4, 2004 12:37 AM

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» Mandate This! from Watcher of Weasels
Well, Kerry and Edwards conceded...  but could someone please tell John Edwards to stop harping on this “making sure every vote counts” stuff, which only makes him sound unwilling to accept a defeat that he should by now know he... [Read More]

Tracked on November 4, 2004 1:33 AM

» Go ahead, show your true colors from Pinwheels and Orange Peels
Thanks to a tip from CQ anyone can see what CNN Netscape is really thinking of the reelection of President Bush. As of 1903 Guam time the file name of the shot of President Bush is "a**hole.jpg." In case they [Read More]

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