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November 12, 2004
Iran Lied! (Gasp!)

The AP reports that a deal supposedly hammered out by the EU is collapsing due to Iran's renuncuiation of the agreement:

A deal committing Iran to suspend activities that Washington says are part of a nuclear arms program was close to collapse Friday, with diplomats suggesting that Tehran had reneged on an agreement reached with European negotiators just days ago. ...

The deal leaves open the exact length of the suspension but says it will be in effect at least as long as it takes for the two sides to negotiate a deal on European technical and financial aid, including help in the development of Iranian nuclear energy for power generation.

But on Friday the diplomats told The Associated Press that Iranian officials had presented British, French and German envoys in Tehran with a version of the agreement that was unacceptable to the three European powers.

Well, color me shocked -- the Iranians reneged on an agreement to limit their nuclear research and development. Iran wants to continue refining uranium into a precursor of uranium hexafluoride, a gas essential to breeding weapons-grade fissile material. The EU-3 insists that this option never was part of their agreement ... and so we're back where we began.

I'm no fan of the UN Security Council, but the nonproliferation agreement uses it as the next step in enforcing its requirements. The EU-3 needs to step aside and get this issue in front of the UNSC so that sanctions and other penalties can be implemented. Iran has played this string out as long as possible and will continue to stall the West until they have their nuclear bomb. Sitting atop their new Shahab-3 missiles, they can threaten eastern Europe and force a stalemate in Southwest Asia. If we are to stop them, we need to do it now.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at November 12, 2004 9:44 AM

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» Iran and England, France, Germany from
Since this attempt to deal with Iran, I've thought the main EU members going down the wrong road, one well traveled by the Clinton administration and NK. The above article explains why. Captain Ed has a post that seems to point to a lesson learned pe... [Read More]

Tracked on November 12, 2004 3:27 PM

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One of the reasons we in the US do not see widespread retaliation against Muslims is that the US Government is being aggressively responsive to the citizens need for security by taking the battle to where they live. Captain Ed [Read More]

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