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December 28, 2004
Protestors At Pentagon Aim To Destroy Morale

I received an e-mail from an active-duty officer currently posted at the Pentagon, decrying the stupidity of the moonbats that congregate outside the entrances to the facility to protest the war. Usually, the protests involve a handful of disorganized and mostly quiet people. This morning's protest, however, got ugly very fast:

Captain Ed--

I'm a lieutenant colonel currently assigned to the Pentagon. The area around our Metro entrance is a popular location for moonbat protests; there's a nice lady who stands out there maybe once a week with a sign. Occasionally, there are others. Of course their signs accuse us Pentagon types of genocide, etc., but imbued in their citizenship is the right to be cluelessly ignorant. Those of us in queue to enter the building are instructed not to react. It's hard to comply, but the policy prevents escalation.

This morning, it took every ounce of professionalism not to react. For today, the moonbats were highly organized...about 50 of them. Two were arrested for getting out of line during just the 2 minutes I was out there. They had all the typical moonbat signs..."No Blood For Oil" and "Remember Fallujah" (this one held by a nice 70 year old lady...I do remember, ma'am, how the local residents strung up our contractors). The largest poster trumpeted a "There Are No Innocent Bystanders" theme.

I wish I had photos.

I've about had it with these intellectual midgets who don't understand we're at war. I wish I could compel each to read Hugh Hewitt's book "If It's Not Close..." as it explains our very real struggle in terms even a moonbat might comprehend. The constrast between this morning's protestors and the service of our troops in country could not be more stark. Even if the protestors were correct (and they're not), they're protesting the wrong building...we execute the President's orders. No more, no less. Go march in front of the White House, please.

Having said that, it's their right to protest. Bring it on. But I'm wondering if among your readers is someone in the D.C. area who could organize and execute a PEACEFUL pro-military demonstration at the Pentagon Metro entrance? You have no idea how much it would help morale.

I don't agree with my reader's assessment of the protest as some sort of mistake that wound up at the wrong building. I believe that the protestors intend on undermining morale among the fighting corps of this nation, weakening our military resolve to carry out the orders of the duly elected government which it serves. The protests aim at men and women like my reader (who asked me to withhold his name, for obvious reasons) to destroy their sense of purpose and duty. They want good and honorable people to leave military service so that the great evil they see -- American power -- crumbles, leaving us at the mercy of those who will destroy us.

For those who live in the DC area, I ask that some effort be made to counter the effects of these demoralizers. It won't take much. Men and women like this reader know that they have support, but when they don't see overt expressions of it once in a while and have to come to work every day to this nonsense, it grinds down the spirit. Certainly we have some patriots in the area who can organize a loose effort to simply stand at the entrance and thank those who protect us from our enemies?

UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers! I want to point you to the About Me page to explain my nickname, as the post and (very kind) referral from Instapundit may leave people with the wrong impression.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at December 28, 2004 7:31 AM

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» A Job for the Protest Warriors? from The Pink Flamingo Bar Grill
We must have a branch in Washington D.C. right? [Read More]

Tracked on December 28, 2004 10:13 AM

» Destroying Our Soldiers Morale from Flopping Aces
Captain Ed has a post today about an email sent to him from a active duty Officer of the Pentagon. The email describes the jackoff protestors lately [Read More]

Tracked on December 28, 2004 9:35 PM

» Protest Warriors answer the call to defend the Pe from The Pink Flamingo Bar Grill
Earlier this week an email from an officer at the Pentagon spurred this article over at the Captains Quarters. To me this sounded like just the sort of thing the Protest Warriors could respond to without creating a problem. They are committed to figh... [Read More]

Tracked on December 29, 2004 5:05 PM

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