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December 29, 2004
Lieberman: No Delay In Iraqi Elections

Senator Joe Lieberman told the American media today that Iraqi elections must go forward as scheduled, negating a push for delay that had started to gather some momentum among the mainstream punditry:

Sen. Joe Lieberman, traveling in the Middle East Wednesday, said there is strong support in Iraq for the Jan. 30 election, and postponing it would only be a victory for the insurgents.

In a telephone call from Tel Aviv, Israel, the Connecticut Democrat said conditions in Iraq, including an increase in trained Iraqi security forces, have improved since his last visit in July. And he said the escalating violence aimed at intimidating Iraqis to postpone the election or not vote is not working in most of the country.

Lieberman could have won the last presidential election if the Democrats had been smart enough to nominate him. Instead, they ran their worst candidate since Michael Dukakis and wound up getting shut out of the White House and pushed into full retreat in both houses of Congress. Lieberman has what John Kerry lacks: serious understanding of the Islamofascist threat and their desperation to derail our efforts at building a representative democracy in the Middle East.

Lieberman's report that most of Iraq wants elections to move forward may help get the truth out to American voters. Coming from a Democrat, that information will carry more weight with editorial boards around the country. Hopefully, Lieberman's efforts will stiffen the Democrats' spine as well.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at December 29, 2004 8:38 PM

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Joe Lieberman, traveling through the Mideast, put a stake in the heart of the negapussses crying for election delays in Iraq. In a telephone call from Tel Aviv, Israel, the Connecticut Democrat said conditions in Iraq, including an increase in train... [Read More]

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