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January 12, 2005
I'll Never Complain About My E-Mail Again (Updated)

I wanted to thank Michelle Malkin for another kind link to World Relief Day when I read her other posts today. I guess I'm just spoiled by the wonderful CQ community, but I cannot believe the vile nature of the hate-mail Michelle receives. Now that Armstrong Williams has been exposed as a sell-out, she expects to see even more of this coming her way:

As a result of the Williams/Department of Education payoff, the rhetoric against the rest of us will get even nastier. In the name of "minority outreach," the Republican education bureaucrats who cooked up their pathetic scheme with Williams have done more damage to our credibility than all the unhinged liberal cartoonists and race-baiters and grievance-mongers could ever hope to do.

Thanks for nothing.

If you get a chance and you like Michelle and the work she does, why don't you drop her a note and tell her? Frankly, the excerpts that she posted before the Williams fallout should make us all cringe with embarassment for the mouthbreathers among us. And I'm not talking about people who disagree with her; Michelle's a grown woman and expects disagreement, even vehement argument. The examples she posted are just sickening.

Keep up the good work, Michelle. You're appreciated by the people who know better.

UPDATE: Surprisingly, Oliver Willis defends the mouthbreathers:

Taking time off from writing about how all the Asians and Arabs should be rounded up and sent to internment camps, Michelle Magalang whines about those poor, misunderstood minoritiy conservatives and how everybody now understands that they're on the take.

Here's a tip for Magalang, JC Watts, Armstrong Williams and the rest of you: quit taking money from rich white guys and berating your own people, and we'll quit calling you out for the buckrakers that you are. Deal?

Besides rudely using her maiden name as if he's the keeper of Filipino identity, he seems a bit ... hypocritical to me (and not for the first time). After all, he's the guy who got slightly bent when Bill Ardolino caricatured him as the Kool-Aid Man, implying that Bill's satire had racist motivations.

Or maybe I just don't understand the code. Liberals are allowed to huff about supposedly racist references of the most ridiculously subtle varieties, but they get to use the crudest stereotypes when they lash out at conservatives? I'll keep that in mind, Oliver.


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Posted by Ed Morrissey at January 12, 2005 1:08 PM

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» Willis! from INDC Journal
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Tracked on January 12, 2005 5:07 PM

» Poor Widdle Michelle from Oliver Willis
Taking time off from writing about how all the Asians and Arabs should be rounded up and sent to internment camps, Michelle Magalang whines about those poor, misunderstood minoritiy conservatives [Read More]

Tracked on January 12, 2005 5:22 PM

» Take A Look In The Mirror Pal from Say Anything
Oliver Willis offers some advice to right-leaning media pundits: Here's a tip for Magalang [Michelle Malkin], JC Watts, Armstrong Williams and the rest of you: quit taking money from rich white guys and berating your own people, and we'll quit calli... [Read More]

Tracked on January 12, 2005 9:26 PM

» Racism is Apparently A-Okay from
How someone who claims to be intelligent can write something like that is wholly beyond me. Of course, the basic premise that Oliver is standing on is that it's impossible that Malkin has come to her conservative beliefs of her own accord. That is, of ... [Read More]

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» Hey, Ollie? from LeatherPenguin
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