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February 6, 2005
Good Riddance To Sore Losers

The International Herald-Tribune reports on the continuing efforts of a small number of Democrats to flee the country for the sole reason that their candidate lost. While Iraqis brave bullets and bombs for the privilege to select their leaders by majority vote, thousands of sore losers can't bear the thought that others may have a different opinion than their own:

After three months, memories of the election have begun to recede. There has been an inauguration, even a State of the Union address.

Yet immigration lawyers say that Americans are not just making inquiries and that more are pursuing a move above the 49th parallel, fed up with a country they see drifting persistently to the right and abandoning the principles of tolerance, compassion and peaceful idealism they felt once defined the nation.

America is in no danger of emptying out. But even a small loss of population, many from a deep sense of political despair, is a significant event in the life of a nation that thinks of itself as a place to escape to. Firm numbers on potential immigrants are elusive.

"The number of U.S. citizens who are actually submitting Canadian immigration papers and making concrete plans is about three or four times higher than normal," said Linda Mark, an immigration lawyer in Vancouver.

I suppose I should welcome the exodus of idiots that believe they can't abide living with a GOP majority; after all, the more that leave only helps that majority survive that much longer. Their departure also has the beneficial effect of raising the IQ averages afterwards. However, given the example of Iraq and Afghanistan, watching pampered Americans go weeping across the border to Canada simply because they can't adjust to losing their monopoly on political thought in the US is an embarassment to America and to the very notion of democracy.

Part of the compact of a democracy is a commitment to majority rule. That means accepting the role of minority status when your party/ideology falls out of favor. Like it or not, Republicans committed themselves to working within the system for over 40 years of minority status, eventually adjusting their platform and their priorities while the Left lost favor. The GOP didn't flee to Mexico just because their leaders couldn't win elections.

In the end, the people who flee America because they backed John Kerry are nothing but cowards who have no real commitment to democracy. Good riddance.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at February 6, 2005 9:55 PM

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» Some Blue Staters Moving to Canada from Outside The Beltway
Some in U.S. voting with their feet) (IHT) Christopher Key knows exactly what he would be giving up if he left Bellingham, Washington. "It's the sort of place Norman Rockwell would paint, where everyone watches out for everyone else and we have bl... [Read More]

Tracked on February 7, 2005 9:19 AM

» Liberals Leaving The Country from Say Anything
We heard a lot about this shortly after the election. I guess it wasn't a short-lived trend. VANCOUVER, British Columbia Christopher Key knows exactly what he would be giving up if he left Bellingham, Washington. . . . But leave it he intends t... [Read More]

Tracked on February 7, 2005 9:51 AM

» Goodbye, Liberals! from Conservative Friends
For those of you not fluent in "leftie," please let me translate that last paragraph. "I love the idea of a Socialist United States." he said. "I even grudgingly went to Vietnam because I was too stoned to run across the border when the draft board... [Read More]

Tracked on February 7, 2005 10:33 AM

» Why Democrats should never relocate to Canada from Angry in the Great White North
Canada is hip deep in limp-wristed Euro-weenie wannabees. And now the American Democrats want to flee the tyranny of George W Bush by coming here! No way -- keep your losers. If you have trouble convinving them to stay, have them read this. [Read More]

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Rene [Read More]

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