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Earlier today, my Sitemeter hit counter passed the 5 million mark, another headspinning milestone that has me humbled and grateful for all of your support. The past month or so, CQ has averaged around 23,000 unique visits a day (per Sitemeter), with peaks above 35,000 on occasion. The TTLB Ecosystem currently lists our site as #9 for inbound unique links, and #15 for average daily traffic. Technorati has us ranked at #120 out of more than 7 million sites.
For the truly bored, here are a few more stats:
Total posts: 3,879
Total comments: 27,609
Days blogging: 508 (October 2, 2003)
I want to thank everyone who has read, linked, pushed, assisted, or otherwise just encouraged CQ to get to this level. It's a pleasure writing for and interacting with the terrific CQ community.
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» Miscellanea: What Did Lawrence Summers Really Say? from Decision '08
Congrats to Captain Ed on hitting the 5 million visitor mark!!!! Wow - I should catch up with him in 2063... [Read More]
Tracked on February 22, 2005 6:44 PM
» Around The Blogosphere #19 from Diggers Realm
The late edition in the continuing saga of interesting and thought provoking news from around the web. There's sure to be something you've missed around the blogosphere. (All links open in a new window for faster cruising) Michael King over... [Read More]
Tracked on February 25, 2005 5:21 AM
igcie@yryryi.net [Read More]
Tracked on September 2, 2005 11:14 AM


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