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February 28, 2005
La Shawn: Chris Rock "Ignorant And Vulgar"

La Shawn Barber has some words for Chris Rock and the idiots who decided he'd make a good host for the Academy Awards last night. As I wrote during my live blog, the only classy moments came during the tribute to the people who had passed away last year, especially the tribute to Johnny Carson, which reminded everyone above drinking age what the Oscars missed so terribly last night. La Shawn has more specific objections:

Under Hollywood’s de facto affirmative action policy, this is what they come up with. Such behavior would be unacceptable for anyone else, but when a black big-mouth does it, people snicker. They’re not really laughing with him; they’re laughing at him, but he’s too busy clowning to the know the difference.

They couldn’t find a dignified black person, one who exuded grace and charm, for the occasion? Or one who wouldn’t dream of playing to the stereotype of the ignorant Negro in a monkey suit, loud and obnoxious, profanity spewing out of his mouth?

La Shawn also wondered at the number of conservative bloggers, such as me, who live-blogged the event last night. I think that La Shawn may be considerably younger than me -- at least she looks it! -- but I recall when the Oscars exuded class and when films mattered more. Now I watch to ensure that some record be kept of Hollywood's excesses and political inanities that these events always produce. I don't think it's healthy for conservatives to cut themselves off from cultural events, even those which we know will be explicitly hostile to us, and perhaps especially those.

Make sure you read all of La Shawn's commentary.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at February 28, 2005 7:13 AM

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» Ashamed from Getting Elected Blogline
A post in Captain's Quarters led me to La Shawn Barber's comments on Chris Rock's behavior as MC of the Oscars last night I am ashamed that I laughed at his jokes. Read La Shawn's comments; they are thought provoking. [Read More]

Tracked on February 28, 2005 10:19 AM

» Oscars redux from Three Way News
Say what? I'm supposed to read all of Ms. Barber's commentary, only to find out that she didn't even bother to watch what she's complaining about? That's what passes for authority on the right: pure factual ignorance coupled with an unbridled divorce... [Read More]

Tracked on February 28, 2005 3:26 PM

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