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March 25, 2005
Another Exempt Media Blackout?

Michelle Malkin is all over what appears to be another Exempt Media blackout. Despite every news outlet covering the supposed "GOP Talking Points" on the Schiavo litigation when the story first broke, now that the memo appears to have been fraudulent, suddenly no one wants to talk about it. Howard Kurtz, Michelle notes, has not written a word on it since Power Line first challenged the memo's authenticity in a series of posts. The only newspaper that covered Democratic Senator Frank Lautenberg's call for an investigation into the memo's creation was, oddly, the South Florida Sun-Sentinel -- which gave it two lines.

Regardless what one thinks of the Schiavo case, this suspicious memo should be getting some attention, especially since it broke as headline news last weekend in an attempt to discredit the GOP by questioning their motivations. If a GOP staffer wrote it, he or she should be fired for sheer incompetence alone, but it would be good for us to know that. However, it looks more like an amateurish attempt to smear the Republicans -- and the silence of the Exempt Media suggests that they know it, too.

It looks like Eason's Fables all over again, doesn't it?

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at March 25, 2005 7:25 AM

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» MSM hushing up fishy Schiavo memo from
Wow ... not a word from the MSM on the fishy GOP "talking points memo" that seems to be a fraud. Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.) called for an investigation the other day, but no one's talking. Let's compare this to the Congressional inquiry into "... [Read More]

Tracked on March 25, 2005 11:04 AM

» Old Media's Radio Silence from RightPundit
Captain Ed at Captain's Quarters and Michelle Malkin have both observed that no one in the old media is talking about the story of the questionable Schiavo memo attributed to the GOP by ABC News and the Washington Post. As I mentioned in this post, A... [Read More]

Tracked on March 25, 2005 11:49 AM

» Luis from Luis
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