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Despite having a ruined voice thanks to a lingering bout of laryngitis, I spent most of my work breaks juggling telephone interviews with Canadian media outlets. For the most part, they wanted to know why I broke the publication ban. I told them I don't believe in restricting free speech, either in Canada or in the US or anywhere else, and if a government has corruption problems, making them a secret hardly helps clean it up.
For CQ readers in Vancouver, I will appear on CBC's television news program this evening, in my very first TV appearance. Bear in mind that I look like hell today and sound worse, so be kind in your judgment. I do not know whether CBC will post the video to their website, but hopefully at some point we'll get a look at it.
Lastly, I understand that comments have stopped functioning, which may either be a hosting problem or a Typekey problem. My service is checking their side to see if the problem is on the server. I'll lok forward to getting comments back on line shortly, and of course, I apologize for the inconvenience.
UPDATE: Comments should be fixed now! However, due to the extremely high traffic coming through the server, the comments program has to be "killed" if you take longer than 20 seconds or so to type it in. One way of getting around this is to type your comments in Notepad first, then simply cut and paste them into the Comments box. HM is trying their best to keep all services running while the load is so high...
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» Canada to Ed: Shut Up, Eh? from Bogus Gold
I'm fascinated by the Canadian fiasco Ed Morissey finds himself in the middle of. Perhaps it's my American bias, but this quote from Ed today reflects my own feelings as well: [Read More]
Tracked on April 4, 2005 7:45 PM
» Top Ten Categories: Media Bias. from WILLisms.com
A great list of media bias (via Ed Driscoll): 1. The Lie. 2. The memory hole. 3. Ventriloquist journalism. 4. Polls. 5. Buzzwords. 6. Coordination with the Democratic candidates. 7. The smear/personal attack/outrage. 8. Euphemisms. 9. False appearance ... [Read More]
Tracked on April 4, 2005 10:19 PM
» Canada Gives Free Speech Royal Mounting from The Ebb & Flow Institute
For details see Confederate Yankee here, with an update here.
But please, if there are any Canadians reading this, do not go here. After all Momma Government has done for you, don't you love Momma [Read More]
Tracked on April 5, 2005 2:09 PM
» Way To Go Captain Ed! from Ambient Irony
Captain Ed of Captain's Quarters, Instalanched, Slashdotted, media star and enemy of the Canadian government. He's even got an apropos Day by Day cartoon. I'll see if I can resist saying that I knew him way back when. Oops, apparently... [Read More]
Tracked on April 5, 2005 8:56 PM
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