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April 5, 2005
Pulitzer Award For Photography A Disgrace

Michelle Malkin alerts her readers to the disgrace of the Pulitzer committee awarding the AP it highest honor for what amounted to staged photographs of the execution of a brave Iraqi election worker:

Via LGF's readers, we are reminded that the Belmont Club first raised troubling questions in December 2004 (here and here and here) about how exactly the AP photographer arrived at the scene.

Also wondering at the time about the AP's relationship with the pictured terrorists and the related media ethics issues/disclosure obligations involved were Power Line and Roger L. Simon (also here). See also Mudville Gazette and Joe Katzman for background.

A key post from John Hinderaker at Power Line on Dec. 25 sums up the outrage and highlights the AP's admission that its photographer was "tipped off" and had a relationship with the terrorists:


Salon printed a defense of the AP (and an attack on conservative bloggers) that included this anonymous comment from an AP spokesman:

A source at the Associated Press knowledgeable about the events covered in Baghdad on Sunday told Salon that accusations that the photographer was aware of the militants' plans are "ridiculous." The photographer, whose identity the AP is withholding due to safety concerns, was likely "tipped off to a demonstration that was supposed to take place on Haifa Street," said the AP source, who was not at liberty to comment by name. But the photographer "definitely would not have had foreknowledge" of a violent event like an execution, the source said.

So the AP admitted that its photographer was "tipped off" by the terrorists. The only quibble asserted by the AP was that the photographer expected only a "demonstration," not a murder. So the terrorists wanted to be photographed carrying out the murder, to sow more terror in Iraq and to demoralize American voters. That's why they tipped off the photographer, and that's why they dragged the two election workers from their car, so they could be shot in front of the AP's obliging camera. And the AP was happy to cooperate with the terrorists in all respects. We'd like to ask some more questions of the photographer, of course, but that's impossible since the AP won't identify him because of "safety concerns." Really? Who would endanger his safety? The terrorists? They could have shot him on Sunday if they were unhappy about having their picture taken. But they weren't, which is why they "tipped off" the photographer...

Pulitzer has just endorsed the encouragement of terrorists to kill people fighting for their freedom in order to get reeeeeeally kewl pictures to sell for lots of money. Asking the AP to be ashamed of themselves for having the ethics of hyenas is too much to ask. However, one expects the Pulitzer committee to hold itself and its prestigious awards in higher regard than the exchange of innocent lives for pocket change. What a disappointment.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at April 5, 2005 6:50 AM

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» Riefenstahl recieves Pulitzer from Posse Incitatus
The Belmont Club, Captain's Quarters and others are abuzz with the news that the Pulitzer Prize has been awarded to the Associated Press photographers who [Read More]

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» Emergency Roadside Call Box Love from NIF
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» The Lefty Pulitzer from Flopping Aces
There ya go, in black and white. The lefty philosophy for all those to see...and these jackass's wonder why we are upset about the pictures. Idiots. [Read More]

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