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John Kerry may want to keep his options open for a second run at the White House in 2008, but he seems to have a lot of trouble letting go of his failure in 2004. Today he complained about trickery and intimidation that he claims kept Democrats from voting in the last presidential election, but his descriptions of these sound more like a Keystone Kops view of the rank-and-file of his own party:
Many voters in last year’s presidential election were denied access to the polls through trickery and intimidation, former Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry told a voters’ group Sunday.“Last year too many people were denied their right to vote, too many who tried to vote were intimidated,” the Massachusetts senator said at an event sponsored by the state League of Women Voters. ...
Kerry supporters have charged that voting irregularities in largely Democratic areas made it difficult for voters to cast ballots in the November election. A lawsuit in Ohio cited long lines and a shortage of voting machines in predominantly minority neighborhoods, but the Ohio Supreme Court dismissed the suit.
Kerry also cited examples Sunday of how people were duped into not voting.
“Leaflets are handed out saying Democrats vote on Wednesday, Republicans vote on Tuesday. People are told in telephone calls that if you’ve ever had a parking ticket, you’re not allowed to vote,” he said.
Kerry apparently wants to keep rehashing the same old gripes that have been thoroughly disproved over and over again, demonstrating that Kerry's movement relies on little else other than bitterness and urban legends. The "minority neighborhoods" that Kerry claims understaffed its precincts were run by Democrats, not Republicans, an inconvenient fact that Kerry neglects to mention during his whining. One wonders why Kerry simply doesn't call for a housecleaning among Democrats in Cleveland. However, he wouldn't have an excuse for his loss, as opposed to the real reasons of being a lousy candidate who ran a foolish campaign based on his Vietnam War experiences that left him vulnerable for counterattack.
The other complaints are even more laughable. With every newspaper reporting Election Day as Tuesday, with every Democratic precinct calling voters to get the vote out on that day -- with the Constitution making clear that the vote must occur on the Tuesday following the first Monday in November -- Kerry expects us to sympathize with people stupid enough to fall for a joke e-mail telling Democrats that they vote on Wednesday? Perhaps Kerry wants us to ensure that the irretrievably gullible get special treatment when Election Days roll around, but in my opinion, anyone that stupid shouldn't be voting anyway. Phone calls telling people not to vote if they have a parking ticket fall into the same category, if they occurred at all, and no one has ever proved that they did.
At some point, Kerry needs to take some responsibility for losing the election, as does his party. Neither appear ready to embrace reality, preferring instead to wallow in self-pity and a false sense of victimhood based on the silliest of pretenses. In a sane world, Kerry would be little more than a satire of egotistical politicians.
UPDATE: John at Power Line notes the same story, and recalls what intimidation really looked like during the last election.
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» Is this man delusional??? from Down deep in Texas: The View from Waco
Okay. I'm not normally one to blast someone who was destroyed in an election the way John Kerry was but this is just way too much. Has the man not noticed that the only cases of voter fraud that seem to be real are in Wisconsin, Washington and the St... [Read More]
Tracked on April 10, 2005 11:05 PM
» Political Darwinism from Cranial Cavity
As the results from last years presidential election show the majority of Americans rejected Sen. John Kerry for the job. But as this story shows even Kerry himself hasn't accepted the fact he lost. Not surprising when you live in a world of "Christmas... [Read More]
Tracked on April 11, 2005 10:21 AM
» Bard of Baby Monkeys from NIF
Today's dose of NIF - News, Interesting & Funny [Read More]
Tracked on April 11, 2005 3:39 PM
» Trickery Foiled Many Voters from Don Singleton
Even Kerry was smart enough to realize voting irregularities did not involve enough votes to change the result, but it is sad that he still has not gotten over the fact that he lost. [Read More]
Tracked on April 11, 2005 10:27 PM
» Cue The Whiner from Opaque Lucidity
You have to hand it to John Kerry: he represents the victimhood base of his party very well. The Senator is still claiming that he lost the election through Republican trickery. If you read some of his examples, you have... [Read More]
Tracked on April 12, 2005 4:34 AM


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