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April 25, 2005
Where's Alan Funt?

No one expected that John Bolton would get an easy hearing for his confirmation for UN ambassador, especially given the get-tough attitude that George Bush wants to take with Kofi Annan and the entire corrupt executive at Turtle Bay. However, those challenging Bolton's confirmation have turned this into a parody of the attitudes that presumably permeate the American Left -- a cacaphony of complaints about how destructive yelling and scolding can be to one's self-esteem, played out on a stage where only the biggest egos get the microphones:

In a new allegation against President Bush's nominee for United Nations ambassador, a woman who worked under John Bolton in the early 1980s has complained that he tried to fire her after they clashed over US policy on infant formula in developing nations.

Lynne D. Finney, now a therapist in Utah, wrote to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Friday, saying Bolton mistreated her when they worked in the General Counsel's Office at the US Agency for International Development. Her accusation is the latest salvo in a pitched battle over Bolton's nomination. ...

Yesterday, Senator Barbara Boxer of California, a Democrat on the committee, distributed Finney's letter to reporters. An aide to Boxer said Democrats will push to include Finney's allegations in the list of claims to be probed.

According to this letter, Finney refused to back up national policy on the use of baby formula in developing countries, and Bolton lost his temper. He yelled at her, and told her he'd get her fired, although apparently she stayed on the job. Did this happen last week? Last month? Last year?

No -- it happened twenty-two years ago.

You know, it was just seventeen months ago that Ted Kennedy roared into a microphone that Janice Rogers Brown was a "Neanderthal" unworthy of consideration for the federal appellate bench. How about addressing that before getting to what people said ten and twenty years ago?

Quite frankly, I don't care if Bolton got snappy with subordinates twenty-two years ago -- and considering the absolute morass of corruption at the UN, impatience almost sounds like a prerequisite rather than a hindrance. Democrats still have not read the memo that starts This nation is at war, preferring to live in the fantasy world of political correctness that they have constructed where smiles and handshakes get everyone what they want. The only possible way this could get sillier is if the Republicans start to buy into this.

Over a thirty-year career, everyone who ever accomplished anything will leave behind peers, subordinates, and even bosses with hurt feelings and axes ready to grind. The fact that the Democrats have dug twenty-three years into history in order to find one should create laughter about their own lack of perspective and incompetence, not doubts about Bolton's qualifications. This may be the silliest confirmation process yet staged by Boxer and her gang of idiots.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at April 25, 2005 6:59 AM

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» Chief of Baby Monkeys from NIF
Today's dose of NIF - News, Interesting & Funny ... ugh, it's Monday [Read More]

Tracked on April 25, 2005 12:20 PM

» Vintage Whine from Hard Starboard
Can you believe that the Democrats have plummeted to such depths of vaccuity that this is what they've resort to to bolster their insistence that John Bolton isn't "qualified" to be President Bush's ambassador to the United Nations? In a new "al... [Read More]

Tracked on April 25, 2005 3:39 PM

» More Congressional Clownery from The Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler
(Tip of the crown to LC & IB Captain's Quarters) ...and the idiocy regarding Mr. Bolton's nomination continues apace, with Barbara "Dumb As A" Boxer "Rocks" leading the charge for the Demognats while the Republican Party Party of Stupid does... [Read More]

Tracked on April 25, 2005 8:29 PM

» Another Bolton critic exposed from
It turns out that the latest accuser of John Bolton, Frederick Vreeland, is yet another left/liberal foreign service type who hates Bolton for promoting US interests instead of the interests of the UN. Powerline has the scoop on this guy here an [Read More]

Tracked on May 5, 2005 7:25 AM

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