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Better put on your seat belts -- Ottawa's in for a bumpy ride tonight. After the Liberals ignored a no-confidence motion that passed by three votes, the Tories have upped the ante by refusing to allow for an adjournment, and immediately moved a new no-confidence motion:
Conservative Leader Stephen Harper moved what he deemed a no-confidence motion in the government, the second such move made by the Tories in two days. ...Mr. Harper said the government has "lost the moral authority and democratic legitimacy to govern this country. Madame Speaker, today is one of those more difficult days where it falls to the Leader of the Oppostion to tell the... government that they cannot carry on," Mr. Harper said in a speech to the House Wednesday afternoon.
It appears to be part of an opposition tactic to continue to push for a confidence motion to be recognized in the House.
His motion came minutes after the Liberals tried to adjourn the House for the day but lost a vote on that motion.The motion, "that the debate be now adjourned," put forward by New Brunswick backbencher Dominic LeBlanc and Ontario MP Judi Longfield, was defeated 153 to 147.
If nothing else, a marathon session of defeated adjournments will expose the folly of the Liberal position that Parliament has not issued a no-confidence call for the Martin government. The Liberals can't even garner enough votes to get out of the chamber for dinner! Stephen Harper may intend on getting his latest motion on the table before allowing for any adjournment, which could take all night. It certainly demonstrates that the Tories have no intention of allowing Martin and the Liberals to set the election date, regardless of whether the difference only amounts to eight days. Harper also wants to avoid giving them the excuse of claiming that the no-confidence vote reflects on budgetary priorities instead of the widespread corruption revealed thus far at the Gomery Inquiry.
If the Tories keep defeating adjournment motions, the spectacle of Liberals trying to escape Parliament will become so ludicrous, and so representative of the Adscam scandal, that Martin may be forced to resign just to put a stop to it.
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» Almost makes me miss working in the legislature from hubs and spokes
Man, I love it when stuff like this happens. You've got one party that's clearly in the wrong - in this case, the ruling Liberal majority in Canada - and you've got a good scrappy minority giving them hell... [Read More]
Tracked on May 11, 2005 7:23 PM
» Shah of Soapy Detergents from NIF
Today's dose of NIF - News, Interesting & Funny ... It's Wictory Wednesday! [Read More]
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» It's Only for Pretend from Neural Fusion
There are some mighty interesting things going on up north. Canada seems to be ever closer to self-destructing. I think Canada's in the midst of a full-scale political catastrophe. Len and the Captain have the low-down. It's a fascinating situation.... [Read More]
Tracked on May 11, 2005 9:43 PM
» Can the Liberals ignore this one? from Hoodathunk
Two days ago the Tories gathered the support to pass a vote of no confidence - which the Liberals have decided to ignore. Tonight, the Tories aren't even letting the Liberals go home: [Read More]
Tracked on May 11, 2005 10:05 PM
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