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Instapundit points to a response from Hiawatha Bray, a solid member of the Newspaper Guild, to president Linda Foley for her allegations of assassination policies against journalists. Bray published his open challenge to Foley on his blog Choose Honor, an excellent blog title considering the nature of this challenge:
I take my membership in the Guild very seriously. That's why I was dismayed to learn that you, the president of my union, made a speech on May 13 in which you asserted that the US military has deliberately killed journalists. The relevant portion of the speech was videotaped and is available for viewing here.Since then, you have failed to provide supporting evidence for your remarks, but neither have you retracted them. I spoke with you at 11:10 AM today by telephone; union secretary-treasurer Bernard Lunzer was also on the call.
When I told you that I would publish your response to me on the Internet, you declined further comment--except for the following: "I am not going to discuss this with you on the eve of Memorial Day weekend."
This remark strikes me as extremely odd. I can't think of a better time to redeem the honor of the US military by beginning a serious investigation of outrageous conduct on its part. If our soldiers are deliberately killing journalists, it's our duty to publicize it, so that such a terrible stain on our nation's integrity may be quickly cleansed.
Foley has resurrected Eason's Fables all over again. While I don't believe Foley to be anywhere near as influential on the delivery of news to the public, as a journalist she should still have to produce evidence of such a conspiracy or retract her allegations. Like Jordan, Foley cannot use her position in the media establishment to toss around slanders and then object to being challenged about it on the basis of the calendar.
Read all of Bray's letter.
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» Calling The MSM Out! from Flopping Aces
I'm glad there are still a reporter's in the MSM who can see through the bias and actually call out a fellow journalist for her idiotic statement. I will make it a point to read this reporter's column regularly. [Read More]
Tracked on May 28, 2005 7:06 PM
» Hiawatha Bray Calls Linda Foley's Bluff from Bird of Paradise
Hiawatha Bray at Choose Honor has become the first member of the Newspaper Guild to publically challenge the Guild union President, Linda Foley, concerning recent comments accusing the US deliberately killing journalists. [Read More]
Tracked on May 29, 2005 4:08 AM
» Bravo Mr. Bray! from Eclipse Ramblings
Boston Globe columnist and member of the Newspaper Guild, Hiawatha Bray, writes an open letter to Guild President Linda Foley.
He takes her to task for her allegations of the US Military having assassination policies against journalists.
Mr. Bray p... [Read More]
Tracked on May 29, 2005 9:27 PM


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