Nazi Alert For Senator Durbin!
When Senator Durbin stood on the Senate floor and compared American troops to genocidal maniacs based on our treatment of Islamofascist terrorists at Gitmo, he revealed a wealth of ignorance on his behalf. Not only did Durbin show his historical illiteracy about the Nazis, Soviets, and the Khmer Rouge, not only did he demonstrate an ignorance of the meaning of abuse -- let alone torture -- but Durbin also failed to recognize the true monsters of this war. The New York Times doesn't make that same mistake in this report by Sabrina Tavernise:
Marines on an operation to eliminate insurgents that began Friday broke through the outside wall of a building in this small rural village to find a torture center equipped with electric wires, a noose, handcuffs, a 574-page jihad manual - and four beaten and shackled Iraqis.The American military has found torture houses after invading towns heavily populated by insurgents - like Falluja, where the anti-insurgent assault last fall uncovered almost 20 such sites. But rarely have they come across victims who have lived to tell the tale.
The men said they told the marines, from Company K, Third Marines, Second Division, that they had been tortured with shocks and flogged with a strip of rubber for more than two weeks, unseen behind the windows of black glass. One of them, Ahmed Isa Fathil, 19, a former member of the new Iraqi Army, said he had been held and tortured there for 22 days. All the while, he said, his face was almost entirely taped over and his hands were cuffed.
If Senator Durbin wants to get up on the Senate floor and rail against torture, perhaps he could start with these torture houses, where real cruelty took place, not the humiliation tactics at Gitmo that tried to save American lives. What Fathil experienced was the same torture as that given out by Saddam Hussein and his Ba'athists during his decades-long reign, only Fathil had the good fortune to survive his encounter with the Islamofascists outside of Gitmo. Others, as the Times notes, did not fare so well.
The Islamofascist torturers even have their own instruction and philosophy manual to guide them through their depravity. The Principles of Jihadist Philosophy by Abdel Rahman al-Ali gives the so-called insurgents instruction and guidance on how to conduct war and interrogations on behalf of Islam. Durbin might want to see if he can borrow a copy from the Marines in order to educate himself on the differences between our men and women in the armed forces and our enemies, if not the earlier enemies with which Durbin confused our troops. With instructions such as "How to Select the Best Hostage" and "The Legitimacy of Cutting the Infidels' Heads", the difference should be rather clear, even to someone of Durbin's limited intellect.
The Gitmo detainees are the genocidal, sadistic, bloodthirsty freaks, Senator, not their jailers or the interrogators who try to protect the United States by getting them to talk. If you can't recognize that -- and so far, it appears that you lack the ability or the will to do so -- then you have no place in the Senate, especially during a time of war. Time for you to offer your resignation and salvage what's left of your honor.
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