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The transfer of public funds earmarked for poor children and Alzheimers patients to Air America by the Gloria Wise Boys & Girls Club board -- which included Air America founder Evan Cohen -- did not disappear into oblivion, as Piquant Media obviously hoped it would with its initial statement on Wednesday. Thanks to fine work and dogged pursuit by Brian Maloney and Michelle Malkin, Piquant has adjusted its tone ... somewhat:
If the allegations of mismanagement and corruption at Gloria Wise Boys and Girls Club are true, it is absolutely disgraceful.As reported in the Wall Street Journal and the HBO Documentary, Left of the Dial‚ the company that the Gloria Wise Boys & Girls Club officials gave money to, Progress Media, has been defunct since May 2004. That company was run at the time by Evan Cohen who has not had any involvement in Air America Radio since May 2004.
The current owners of Air America Radio have no obligation to Progress Media‚s business activities. We are very disturbed that Air America Radio's good name could be associated with a reduction in services for young people, which is why we agreed months ago to fully compensate the Gloria Wise Boys & Girls Club as a result of this transaction.
Piquant doesn't state whether they have actually paid the money back, only that they agreed to do so "months ago". Even though we hear the same "don't blame us" point about Evan Cohen and previous ownership, at least they have decided that shrugging their shoulders at their benefit from monies intended to help kids and sick elders won't play very well in the press.
Not that they have much to worry about on that end. No major media outlets have bothered to look into Air America's role in the misdirection of federal funds at a time when they struggled to stay afloat. The only mention it gets comes from the editorial pages of the Washington Times. The Times keeps its eye on the blogosphere -- it has mentioned CQ a number of times -- and rightly credits Brian and Michelle for doing what the Exempt Media either couldn't or wouldn't do:
Did Al Franken's liberal radio network Air America divert city money for the elderly and inner-city children to itself? That's the question people should be asking this week after the revelation that the New York Department of Investigation is looking into whether hundreds of thousands of dollars were illegally transferred from a Bronx community center to Air America. Only a community paper and a few Internet bloggers seem interested in what could be an egregious case of illegal funneling of tax dollars to a private, partisan organization. ...Most of the mainstream newspapers have ignored this story. We only found out about it through the reporting of Brian Maloney, who pieced a story together on his blog "The Radio Equalizer" which was picked up by syndicated columnist Michelle Malkin. The New York Daily News buried an item at the end of a column of news briefs. There was nothing in the New York Times, which has heaped flattering coverage on the flailing network.
Air America is struggling to find listeners, leaders and reliable funding. But should it take money from children and the ailing elderly? Al Franken and Randi Rhodes, ever the defenders of the "little guy," should explain this one.
I doubt that Franken will ever comment on this story in his role as on-air personality. If he decides to run for office here in Minnesota as rumored, however, we should ask him about this scandal and what he did to correct it once it became known. Voters should shun candidates who manage to demonstrate a callous disregard for spending government money without even being in office.
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» The Corruption In Air America, Update from Flopping Aces
Looks like Air America has issued a second statement that starts to backtrack a bit on their first "it wasn't me" statement: [Read More]
Tracked on July 29, 2005 3:40 PM
» Air America Feeds On Funds Diverted From Children's & Alzheimer's Programs! from OKIE on the LAMâ„¢ - In LA
As they say on TV, "Breaking News!" The blogosphere is all abuzz about the diversion of funds from the Gloria Wise Boys and Girls Club in the Bronx, New York, to Air America, the Left's own radio network. Not talking about pocket change either, the fun... [Read More]
Tracked on July 29, 2005 9:02 PM
» Blogswarm Targets Air America from bLogicus
New York City's Department of Investigations has discontinued funding the Gloria Wise Boys & Girls Club after allegations of corruption. Part of the inquiry revealed that the organization’s founder "invested" city funds in the liberal radio network, Ai... [Read More]
Tracked on July 31, 2005 3:52 AM
» Headlines & Topics from Danny Carlton: codenamed "Jack Lewis"
Air America's greed Michelle Malkin (also here and here), Captain's Quarters (also here and here), WizBang, La Shawn Barber, bLogicus,... [Read More]
Tracked on August 1, 2005 7:34 AM


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