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September 5, 2005
Islamists Conduct Pogrom Against Christians In West Bank

The city of Taiba, long a center for Christians in the West Bank, came under attack from Islamist terrorists last night as well as other Christian villages nearby. Shouting Muslim slogans such as Allahu akbar!, torched houses and businesses and drove Christians from their beds, all because one nearby Muslim family murdered their daughter for allegedly having an affair with a Christian man (h/t: Lkrut33):

Efforts were under way on Sunday to calm the situation in this Christian village east of Ramallah after an attack by hundreds of Muslim men from nearby villages left many houses and vehicles torched.

The incident began on Saturday night and lasted until early Sunday, when Palestinian Authority security forces interfered to disperse the attackers. Residents said several houses were looted and many families were forced to flee to Ramallah and other Christian villages, although no one was injured.

The attack on the village of 1,500 was triggered by the murder of a Muslim woman from the nearby village of Deir Jarir earlier this week. The 30-year-old woman, according to PA security sources, was apparently murdered by members of her family for having had a romance with a Christian man from Taiba.

"When her family discovered that she had been involved in a forbidden relationship with a Christian, they apparently forced her to drink poison," said one source. "Then they buried her without reporting her death to the relevant authorities." ...

The attack is one of the worst against Christians in the West Bank in many years. Residents said it took the PA security forces several hours to reach Taiba. Others complained that the IDF, which is in charge of overall security in the area, did not answer their desperate calls for immediate help.

The Israelis provide the only truly multi-cultural society in the entire region. Christians and Arabs live peacefully among the Jews in the modern democracy, with full protection for their rights to worship freely. Thus far, the peace process appears geared to giving up even more land to the people who want to stamp out these freedoms in the cradle of all monotheistic religion. The Palestinian Authority does not appear especially responsive to protecting non-Muslims in their midst, either.

Taiba is not an occupied city. Christians have long lived there and consider it their central site, where they can live peacefully and offend no one. It provides the West Bank with tourist income as well, as the article states, with Christians from around the globe making pilgrimages to one of Jesus' presumed places of rest in the Gospels.

If the Palestinian Authority cannot defend its citizens -- these are Palestinians, not "occupiers" -- then what good is the Palestinian Authority, and why do we continue to support them? It looks more and more like the two-state solution will result in a Final Solution for all non-Muslims in the West Bank and Gaza once the Islamists take complete control.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at September 5, 2005 2:53 PM

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» Muslims Rampage Against Christians in West Bank from The Jawa Report
So a Muslim woman has an affair with a Christian man and how does the family react? Murder their own daughter and then round up a couple of hundred thugs to march to the neighboring Christian town and then start... [Read More]

Tracked on September 5, 2005 3:40 PM

» Islamists Conduct Pogrom Against Christians In West Bank from Hyscience
By the time the attack ended, at least 16 houses had been gutted by fire and a statue of the Virgin Mary had been destroyed. [Read More]

Tracked on September 6, 2005 7:30 AM

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