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September 11, 2005
Could 9/11 Happen Again?

The United States extensively revamped airport security after 9/11, intending on taking away commercial airliners as weapons of opportunity for al-Qaeda terrorists. In the four years since the attacks, we have yet to see another attempt to hijack flights in the US to use as guided missiles for massive suicide attacks. We believe that we have successfully blocked that modus operandi for the future, forcing terrorists to try something else instead.

A new book by Annie Jacobsen, Terror in the Skies: Why 9/11 Could Happen Again arrived in the mail on Friday, which may cause us to rethink our sense of security. Jacobsen originally wrote about this in Women's Wall Street last year, shortly after the flight which she claims experienced a dry-run at another hijacking attempt, or possibly a "probe", a mission to test response and gather intelligence about potential defensive in-flight measures. At the time, I remained a bit skeptical. I'll be trying to read through the book over the next couple of days, but so far, she presents a compelling argument that something happened on Northwest 327.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at September 11, 2005 5:02 PM

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